体育改革的关键一步 ——运动项目管理中心面面观

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建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应、符合现代体育运动发展规律的管理体制和运行机制是近年来体育改革的重大步骤。继足协率先“突破”进行实体化管理后,1994年6月,乒乓球、冰雪、水上等协会相继实体化,成立运动项目管理中心。积三年之经验,国家体委撤消最后三个运动项目管理司,于1997年11月24日成立9个管理中心及一个职能司,至此,国家体委所属的所有运动项目全部划归事业单位管理。这意味着中国体育将与运行近半个世纪的运动项目旧管理体制彻底告别。国家体委主任伍绍祖说:“这是国家体委在体制改革方面迈出的重要、关键、具有特点的一步。” The establishment of a management system and operational mechanism that is compatible with the socialist market economic system and in line with the law governing the development of modern sports is a major step toward the reform of sports in recent years. Following the lead of the Football Association to “break through” the entity management, in June 1994, the associations of table tennis, ice and snow, water and so on have been substantively established and the sports project management center established. With a total of three years of experience, the State Sports Commission withdrew the last three sports project management divisions and set up nine management centers and a functional division on November 24, 1997. At this point, all sports belonging to the State Sports Commission were all under the management of public institutions. This means that China Sports will say goodbye to the old management system of sports programs that have been running for nearly half a century. Wu Shaozu, director of the National Sports Commission said: “This is an important, key and characteristic step taken by the State Sports Commission in the structural reform.”
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