目的 进一步防止白内障术后瞳孔上移。方法 对52眼术后发生瞳孔上移者进行观察分析。结果 多数患眼存在虹膜纹理不清,有大量色素脱失,有不同程度的机化物或疤痕样物质形成。结论 虹膜疤痕形成也是术后瞳孔上移的重要原因
Objective To further prevent cataract surgery pupil up. Methods Fifty-two postoperative pupil upstairs were observed and analyzed. The majority of affected eyes iris texture unclear, a large number of depigmentation, there are varying degrees of organic matter or scar-like material formation. Conclusion The formation of iris scar is also an important reason for upward pupillary movement