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党的十七届六中全会强调指出,要推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,建设社会主义文化强国。经营文化是一个企业在生产经营过程中形成、积累、提炼并倡导的一套优良作风、行为方式及价值观念,是企业的无形资产。在当前铁路实施多元化经营发展战略的新形势下,深入开展经营文化建设,凝聚思想共识,启发内在动力,集中发展智慧,形成整体合力,为企业多元化发展提供有力的思想保证和文化动力,具有不可替代的重要作用。本文从铁路企业的工作实际出发,重点围绕建设“四心四强”的经营文化,从理论和实践的结合上,谈几点粗浅的认识。 The Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee emphasized that it is necessary to promote the great prosperity and development of socialist culture and the building of a strong socialist culture. Business culture is an enterprise in the process of production and management formed, accumulated, refined and advocated a set of good style, behavior and values, is the intangible assets of enterprises. Under the new situation of carrying out the diversified development strategy of the railway at present, the Bank will carry out the construction of management culture in depth, unite the ideological consensus, inspire the intrinsic motivation, focus on the development of wisdom and form the overall joint force to provide a powerful ideological guarantee and cultural motivation for the diversified development of the enterprise. Has an irreplaceable important role. Based on the actual work of railway enterprises, this paper focuses on building a management culture of “Four Hearts and Four Strongs” and talks about the superficial understanding from the combination of theory and practice.
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根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp.)是一类专性的固着性植物内寄生线虫,能寄生多种植物,是番茄的一种重要的病原物。栽培抗病品种是防治根结线虫病的理想途径。本文主要研究了国内市