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女士们、先生们、朋友们: 跨国公司和中国国际会议在各位朋友的共同努力下,经过三天来热烈的讨论,今天圆满结束了。这次国际研讨会,首先受到了中国政府的高度重视,李岚清副总理亲临会场与部分代表见面,并在开幕式上致词,对研讨会寄予厚望。这次研讨会得到了联合国贸发会议秘书长达奇先生和其它官员、专家的支持,以 Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends, With the joint efforts of our friends and our multinational corporations and the China International Conference, after three days of heated discussions, we are now concluding. This international symposium was first taken seriously by the Chinese government. Vice Premier Li Lanqing came to the venue to meet with some delegates and made a speech at the opening ceremony, placing great hopes on the seminar. The seminar was supported by Mr. Dage, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and other officials and experts in order to
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The epidemic nature of diabetes mellitus in different regions is reviewed. The Middle East and North Africa region has the highest prevalence of diabetes in adu
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1 基本理论 1.1 吸附量与时间的依赖关系设s(t)为单位面积t时刻的分子数,s_o是单位面积固体表面有效吸附位的总浓度.有 v_1=k_1[s_o-s(t))c(t)(1) 其中k_1是吸附速率常数,c(
在过分地渲染了场面的华美之后,影片本来要表达的悲剧意味显得十分模糊。可以说,这是一部为眼睛准备的,而非为心灵准备的电影。 After exaggerating the beauty of the scen
罗伯特·艾伦比(Robert Allenby)美巡赛夺冠记录:4次冠军:壳牌休斯顿公开赛,阿达维尔西部公开赛,2001年尼桑公开赛,马可尼宾夕法尼亚州精英赛。队际赛记录四次总统杯:1994年