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我国55个少数民族在长期的历史发展过程中,创造和积累了丰富多彩的历史文化,留下涵载这些历史文化的卷帙浩繁的古籍文献。这是一笔价值难以估量的财富,是中华民族智慧与创造力的结晶,也是全国各族人民全面建设小康社会、完善新文化、创造新生活可资借鉴的宝贵历史遗产。中国少 In the course of long-term historical development, 55 ethnic minorities in our country have created and accumulated rich and colorful history and culture, leaving behind the vast volume of ancient books and documents that contain these historical and cultural backgrounds. This is an immeasurable wealth of value and a crystallization of the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese nation. It is also a valuable historic heritage that people of all nationalities in the country can well build a well-off society in an all-round way, improve the new culture and create a new life to learn from. China is small
TiO_2 visible light catalysts with different crystalline phases and morphologies were synthesized from titanium-bearing electric arc furnace molten slag(Ti-bear
黄河滚滚入壶口,九折波澜此地雄。 生长在黄河边上的我,由于少小离乡,一直为未曾领略过以雄、壮、惊、险、奇而著称的黄河壶口瀑布而感到遗憾。今年夏天,我利用出差之便,终
在我国景颇族的习俗中 ,盛行着一种十分别致的树叶情书。小伙子为了表达爱情 ,把用彩线扎好的芭蕉叶包交给情人。姑娘不能马上拆 ,待回家后才能独自悄悄地将芭蕉叶包打开。当
文章对最近20年来目录学术语规范化问题,作了一次专门的回顾与讨论。 The article made a special review and discussion on the standardization of bibliographical term
A flexible metal-organic framework of 1a Cu(FMA)(4,4’-Bpe)0.5(FMA=fumarate; 4,4’-Bpe=trans-bis-(4-pyridyl)ethylene) that exhibits guest molecule-controlled ga
一 我惊异于自己目光之坦诚,惊异于思维的灵感。这全是那唢呐音韵的长鞭,将我的心放牧于七道彩虹不曾泯逝的龙王山下——一片连空气粒子都在舞蹈着的黄土地上。 总不是灵魂
龙鳌河风景区,是贵州省新开发的东线旅游胜地。龙鳌河,系古思州黄道溪司龙鳌辖地,河水绕着著名的鳌山向东南流入舞水,故得名。 它以悠久历史闻名于世,奇山异水享有盛名,辉煌