
来源 :生活教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmilygang8751
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新课程改革实施以来,小学综合实践活动课程一直是许多一线教师困惑最多,操作最难的一门课程。观望永远就是观望,笔者通过学习这门课程的理念,将自己的一些想法付之行动,小有收获。通过实践,深刻感受到这门课程的实施需要教师的艰辛付出,系统的主题活动是其载体,而活动的主题是学生能将课程进行下去的重要因素。笔者结合学科学习、传统节日、阅读活动、学生生活等整合课程资源,从中选取活动主题,进而让综合实践活动更有效。 Since the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the comprehensive primary practice curriculum has been the most confused and difficult operation for many frontline teachers. Wait and see is always wait and see, the author by studying the concept of this course, some of their ideas to pay for the action, a small gain. Through practice, I feel deeply that the implementation of this course needs the hard work of teachers. The systematic thematic activities are the carriers of the courses. The theme of the activities is an important factor for the students to carry out the courses. The author combines the curriculum resources of subject learning, traditional festivals, reading activities and student life, and selects the theme of activities from there to further make the comprehensive practice more effective.
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建筑外壳的综合建构SyntheticaI tectonics of the envelope钢结构主肋承担主要结构受力(结构作用);主肋之间间距考虑到幕墙单元尺度,具有一定深度形成一定遮阳效果,雨水顺主
本文针对小学信息技术教学策略进行了简单论述,在文章中指出了教师的教学模式以及教学理念,并以实际知识为例,讲解了如何让信息技术走进学生的心灵。 This article briefly
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《世说新语》中记载:王羲之曾经暂时居住在别人的空宅,随即命仆人种竹,有人问他:“暂时居住,何必找这样的麻烦?”他一边吹着口哨,一边吟唱,如此良久,才向前指着竹子说:“怎么可以一天没有这位先生呢?”竹子作为岁寒三友之一,有着它独特的精神寓意。以它为邻,自有一番情怀在。自古以来,美景美物都是文人雅士的最爱,在它们身上寄寓着一定的想法甚至志向,反过来说,这些美景美物又陶冶了他们的情操。  其实,每个人都
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