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鞘膜积液是一种常见病,既往多行手术治疗。我院自1986年6月以来采用鞘膜腔内注射四环素治疗鞘膜积液52例,取得了较满意的效果,现报告如下。 临床资料 一、一般资料:本组52例,年龄2~65岁,平均30.5岁,其中2~15岁32例,16~65岁20例。病程最长者14年,最短者6个月,均为单侧性鞘膜积液。52例中12例为精索鞘膜积液,40例为睾丸鞘膜积液,积液量最多320ml,最少者10ml。 二、治疗方法:仰卧位,用1%新洁尔灭液常规消毒阴囊皮肤后铺巾,助手固定鞘膜积液处,术者选用8号针头刺入鞘膜腔内,吸净积液后注入适量10%四环素溶液(加入2%利多卡因制备)。积液小于50ml者注入2~5ml,50~150ml者注入10ml,大于150ml者注入12~15ml,积液多于250ml者吸出大部分积液后注入30ml四环素液,保留15分钟后抽出注入药液又再注入四环素液15ml。拔针后,局部轻压2分钟,观察半小时~1小时无不良反应时,病者便可回家休息,术后常规应用抗生素3天,治疗3周后复查,仍有积液残留者可再次治疗。 Hydrocele is a common disease, previous multi-line surgical treatment. Our hospital since June 1986 since the use of intrathecal tetracycline intubation in 52 cases of hydrocele, and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. Clinical data First, the general information: The group of 52 patients, aged 2 to 65 years, an average of 30.5 years, of which 32 cases of 2 to 15 years old, 16 to 65 years in 20 cases. The longest course of 14 years, the shortest of 6 months, are unilateral hydrocele. Among the 52 cases, 12 cases were spermatic cord effusion, 40 cases were testicular hydrocele, fluid volume up to 320ml, the least 10ml. Second, the treatment: supine position, with 1% benzalkonium bromide routine disinfection of the scrotum skin shop towel, assistant fixed sheath effusion, the surgeon use the 8th needle piercing the sheath cavity, suction net fluid injection amount 10 % Tetracycline solution (prepared by adding 2% lidocaine). Effusion less than 50ml were injected 2 ~ 5ml, 50 ~ 150ml were injected 10ml, more than 150ml were injected 12 ~ 15ml, effusion more than 250ml sucked most of the liquid after the injection of 30ml tetracycline solution, the retention 15 minutes after the injection of liquid medicine And then injected tetracycline solution 15ml. Pulling the needle, the local light pressure for 2 minutes, observed for half an hour to 1 hour without adverse reactions, the patient can go home to rest, postoperative routine antibiotics for 3 days, 3 weeks after treatment review, there are still residual fluid may be Again treatment.
前庭大腺脓肿是妇科较常见的疾患,处理不当可反复发作,增加患者痛苦。本文患者试行前庭大腺脓肿切开引流Ⅱ期造口术,能达到彻底治愈效果。现介绍如下。 手术操作:前庭太腺脓
用阴茎头-阴茎海绵体内瘘分流术治愈阴茎异常勃起2例。术后随访均保留勃起的功能。该法简单,疗效好,报告如下。 手术方法 一、在骶麻下(也可局麻),常规手术区清洁和消毒,在
坏疽性膀胱炎较为罕见,术前确认困难,通常是按急腹症处理,在手术中才发现,本文结合4例病人,对本病的临床治疗进行分析。 Gangrenous cystitis is relatively rare, preoper
射频热疗仪治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)是近年兴起的一种非手术疗法。我院自1993年12月开始应用国产高能HERT-200射频热疗仪治疗BPH32例,疗效满意,现报告如下。 The treatme