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大袋蛾是多种林木及茶、果的重要害虫。一年发生1代,以老熟幼虫越冬。常有不完全第2代发生。雌蛾平均每头产卵2623粒。由于雌蛾无翅,主要靠幼龄幼虫吐丝随风扬迁扩散,但在茶树等灌丛、矮树上飘迁有限,形成“为害中心”;在乔木上,则扬迁扩散迅速,易于大片发生。幼虫食叶量大,4、5龄幼虫暴食,8—9月间为害严重。幼虫较耐干旱,相对湿度40%时,孵化率仍达90%以上。食性杂,但不同树种间虫口差异明显。幼龄幼虫期受雨水冲刷和瓢虫等捕食,成长幼虫被寄蝇寄生、病害感染和鸟类啄食,综合构成大袋蛾的有力的自然控制因素。幼虫喜光,多聚于枝梢上部,利于果树修剪减少虫口。药剂防治宜于幼龄幼虫期进行,并适当重喷喷湿袋囊,敌百虫、敌敌畏、1605均有良好防治效果。 Bagged moth is a variety of trees and tea, fruit important pests. A generation occurs a year, overwintering with mature larvae. Often the second generation does not occur completely. Female moth average 2623 eggs per head. As the female moth wingless, mainly by the young larvae silking with the wind to spread, but in the shrubs and other shrubs, short-lived drift on the limited, forming a “detriment of the center”; in the trees, the spread of rapid spread, easy The blockbuster happened. Large amount of larvae to eat leaves, 4,5-year-old larvae gluttonous, severe damage during August-September. Larvae more resistant to drought, relative humidity 40%, the hatching rate is still up to 90%. Food miscellaneous, but significant differences between the different species of insect population. The juvenile larvae are predated by rain and ladybugs, and the larvae of the growing larvae are parasitized, disease-infected and birds pecking, which form a powerful natural controlling factor for the giant-bagged moth. Larvae hi light, gathered in the upper part of the shoot, which will help reduce pruning fruit trees. Preventive treatment should be carried out in young larvae, and re-spray spray wet bags, trichlorfon, dichlorvos, 1605 have a good control effect.
2011年12月11日下午,应鄂尔多斯市音乐家协会的邀请,有幸参加由鄂尔多斯市音乐家协会主持召开的著名蒙古族作曲家桑洁先生歌曲专辑《金色的半日花》首发 On the afternoon o
关于玉米缢管蚜,Rhopalosiphum maidis(Fitch)在其寄主——玉米、大麦和高粱上的生物学及习性已有大量报导。在依阿华州的 Johnston,对玉米缢管蚜在玉米上的活动情况已经作
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