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受中国航天第三专业信息网的委托,第三十五届技术信息交流会拟定于2014年7月召开,会议由中国航天科技集团公司第八研究院上海航天动力技术研究所承办。现将有关事项通知如下:会议主题为:空天动力技术的发展一、征文范围1、未来航天及武器系统总体对动力技术的需求分析;2、临近空间、平流层等飞行器用推进系统;3、国内外推进技术领域新概念、新理论、新成果和新动态;4、高性能固体、液体及固液混合发动机技术; Entrusted by China Aerospace Third Professional Information Network, the 35th Technical Information Exchange Meeting was held in July 2014 and was hosted by Shanghai Aerospace Power Technology Research Institute, Eighth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. The related issues are hereby notified as follows: The theme of the conference is: Development of Aerospace Power Technology I. Scope of Essay 1. Demand analysis of future aerospace and weapon systems in general for power technology; 2. Propellant systems for spacecraft and stratosphere; 3 , New concepts, new theories, new achievements and new developments in the field of domestic and international promotion technology; 4, high performance solid, liquid and solid-liquid hybrid engine technology;
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本文通过分析厦门机场气象台趋势着陆预报准确度,并结合预报工作经验,对提高趋势着陆预报准确率的方法进行探讨。 In this paper, by analyzing the accuracy of landing fo
Firstly,the fatigue damages associated with the random loadings were always deemed as highcycle or very-high-cycle fatigue problems,and based on Chebyshev theor
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