Microstructure Analysis of Nylon 66 by WAXD and SAXS

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen_2006tt
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The analysis of the small angle X ray scattering(SAXS) data was based upon particle characteristic function, one dimensional electron density correlation function and particle distribution function. The microstructure of nylon 66 with different degrees of crystallinity was studied by means of X ray scattering method. The radius of gyration R g, the Porod radius R p, the thickness of crystalline region L c, the thickness of non crystalline region L a, the thickness of interphase region d tr , the long period L , the semiaxises of particles( a, a, b ), the distribution of the particle sizes and the scattering invariant were calculated. The results indicate that there was a significant interphase region between the crystalline region and the non crystalline region, and its content( W t,x ) should not be neglected in comparison with that of crystalline region W c,x . The morphology of nylon 66 prepared by isothermal crystallization at a high temperature was mainly a lamellar structure, while the spherical crystals dominated in the quenched sample. The size of the particles in the quenched sample was smaller than that of those in the isothermally crystallized sample, and the distribution of the particle sizes in the isothermally crystallized sample was wider. The analysis of the small angle X ray scattering (SAXS) data was based upon particle characteristic function, one dimensional electron density correlation function and particle distribution function. The microstructure of nylon 66 with different degrees of crystallinity was studied by means of X ray scattering method . The radius of gyration R g, the Porod radius R p, the thickness of crystalline region L c, the thickness of non-crystalline region L a, the thickness of interphase region d tr, the long period L, the semiaxises of particles (a , a, b), the distribution of the particle sizes and the scattering invariant were calculated. The results indicate that there was a significant interphase region between the crystalline region and the non crystalline region, and its content (W t, x) should not be neglected in comparison with that of crystalline region W c, x. The morphology of nylon 66 prepared by isothermal crystallization at a high temperature was mainly a lamellar structure, while the spherical crystals dominated in the quenched sample. The size of the particles in the quenched sample was smaller than that of those in the isothermally crystallized sample, and the distribution of the particle sizes in the isothermally crystallized sample was wider.
摘 要:本文对鲁迅1924年的小说《祝福》和1956年改编的电影进行对比,通过情节的不同以及两种不同叙述角度的对比,深入分析祥林嫂的性格和不幸命运,帮助学生思考造成祥林嫂悲剧的原因。  关键词:祝福;祥林嫂;礼教;迷信  电影《祝福》改编自鲁迅的同名小说,由夏衍改编,桑弧导演,白杨主演,是中国第一部彩色电影。电影基本尊重原著,以下着重分析电影与原著的不同:  一、 情节的不同  小说《祝福》视点集
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