Leader-following coordination of multi-agent systems with information feedback

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qazwsx07555
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Based on the strategy of information feedback from followers to the leader,flocking control of a group of agents with a leader is studied.The leader tracks a pre-defined trajectory and at the same time the leader uses the feedback information from followers to the leader to modify its motion.The advantage of this control scheme is that it reduces the tracking errors and improves the robustness of the team cohesion to followers’ faults.The results of simulation are provided to illustrate that information feedback can improve the performance of the system. Based on the strategy of information feedback from followers to the leader, flocking control of a group of agents with a leader is studied. Leader of a pre-defined trajectory and at the same time the leader uses the feedback information from followers to the leader to modify its motion. The advantage of this control scheme is that it reduces the tracking errors and improves the robustness of the team cohesion to followers’ faults.The results of simulation are provided to illustrate that information feedback can improve the performance of the system.
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