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梨黑星病是梨生长中的主要病害之一,在全省梨产区均有不同程度的危害发生。去年江淮地区由于阴雨天气较多,致使梨黑星病严重发生,造成较大的经济损失。笔者根据多年的生产实践,总结出梨黑星病早防是关键。一、加肥水管理1.科学施肥。梨树势的强弱直接影响发病的轻重,保持健壮的树势、创造不利于梨黑星病的发病条件是防治梨黑星病的重要措施。因此要科学增施肥料,特别是有机肥和磷钾肥,本着1公斤果1公斤肥的施肥标准,加强梨树的培育,以增强树势、提高抗病能力。2.科学灌水。花后如土壤干旱,应及时采职滴灌、喷灌等灌水措施,千万不可大水漫灌梨园,控制花后梨园相对湿度,可有效控制梨黑星病的早期发病率。此后,可根据墒情科学灌水。 Pear scab is one of the main diseases in the growth of pears, and pears in the whole province have different degrees of harm. Last year, due to more rainy weather in the Jianghuai region, the scab was seriously affected, resulting in greater economic losses. The author based on years of production practice, concluded that pear scab is the key to early prevention. First, add fertilizer management 1. Scientific fertilization. The strength of pear tree directly affects the severity of the disease, to maintain robust tree vigor, to create a disadvantage is not conducive to the incidence of pear scab is an important measure to prevent pear scab. Therefore, scientific addition of fertilizers, especially organic fertilizers and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, should be based on the fertilization standard of 1 kg of fertilizer per 1 kg of fruit so as to enhance the cultivation of pear trees so as to enhance the tree vigor and improve disease resistance. 2. Scientific irrigation. After anthesis such as soil drought, timely drip irrigation, sprinkler and other irrigation measures, must not flood irrigation pear garden, pear orchard control relative humidity, can effectively control the early incidence of pear scab. Since then, science can be based on water irrigation.
中国的民族问题一直存在,关于如何解决这一问题的研究还处于起步和探索阶段,本文将对解决民族问题道路的研究进行系统的梳理,以期能够为他人提供一点借鉴。 The ethnic prob
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