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恢复性司法是起源于西方国家的一种新的刑事思潮,其目的是恢复被加害人所破坏的社会关系、弥补受害人所受到的伤害、以及恢复加害人与被害者之间的和睦关系,并使加害人改过自新、回归社会。刑事和解作为恢复性司法的重要实现形式之一,也随之得到长足发展。现今,我国的刑事和解雏形初现,司法实践上刑事和解实践越来越多,已经开始形成一定的规模和影响。本论题努力探索、寻求刑事和解的在我国的最恰当的结构模式、运行规则,探讨出一套在我国可行、完善的刑事和解制度。 Restorative justice is a new kind of criminal trend of thought originating in Western countries. Its purpose is to restore the social relations destroyed by the perpetrators, to make up for the harm suffered by the victims and to restore the harmonious relations between the perpetrators and the victims. And make the perpetrators reinvent themselves and return to society. As one of the most important forms of restorative justice, criminal reconciliation also developed rapidly. Nowadays, the initial form of criminal reconciliation in our country is beginning to emerge. More and more criminal reconciliation practices in judicial practice have begun to form a certain scale and influence. This thesis attempts to explore and seek the most appropriate structural model and operating rules of criminal reconciliation in our country and explore a set of feasible and perfect criminal reconciliation system in our country.
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