Total laparoscopic-assisted radical gastrectomy (D2+) with jejunal Roux-en-Y reconstruction

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldjlovell
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Total laparoscopic-assisted radical gastrectomy and the jejunal Roux-en-Y anastomosis were performed to treat cancer of the upper gastric body and fundic region. In the case of open anastomosis during total laparoscopic-assisted radical gastrectomy, an incision of 6-8 cm would be required due to the need for placing the stapler anvil. If using the Roux-en-Y procedure, however, the incision could be reduced to as small as 4-5 cm without increasing the length of operation and intraoperative bleeding that favors postoperative recovery. Total laparoscopic-assisted radical gastrectomy and the jejunal Roux-en-Y anastomosis were performed to treat cancer of the upper gastric body and fundic region. In the case of open anastomosis during total laparoscopic-assisted radical gastrectomy, an incision of 6-8 cm would be required due to the need for placing the stapler anvil. If using the Roux-en-Y procedure, however, the incision could be reduced to as small as 4-5 cm without increasing the length of operation and intraoperative bleeding that favors postoperative recovery.
【摘 要】目的 根据中职学生的特点,探讨情景式教学方法在中专护理实训教学中应用的效果。在中专护理实训中采用情景式教学模式能激发学生的学习兴趣,有利于学生沟通交流能力的培养,同时培养了学生的观察能力、判断思维能力和创新能力,在此基础上也提高了学生的护理操作技能。  【关键词】情景式教学方法;中专学生;护理实训  所谓情境式教学法,就是通过设置具体、生动的病人病情,以及护理人员的具体检查和护士对病人实