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青、链霉素是当前使用最广泛的两种常用抗菌素,也是防治多种传染性疾病的有效药物。但两者也有不良反应,其中以过敏性休克最为严重。一旦发生,如处理不当,可引起死亡。因此,对青、链霉素过敏反应有关问题加以认真讨论是很有必要的,现就下面几个问题谈谈我们的看法。一、青、链霉素过敏反应的发生率青、链霉素过敏反应的发生率很高,但文献报道很不一致。为了了解农村基层医疗单位青、链霉素过敏性休克发生的情况,减少和防止严重休克反应的发生,我们调查了河南太康县150个大队两年内(1973~1974)和郾城县178个大队一年内(1973年3月至1974年3月)青、链霉素过敏性休克发生的情况。其中,太康县150个大队两年内青霉素过敏性休克发生17例,占总人数的10万分之3.7,郾城县178个大队一年内青霉素过敏性休克9例,占10万分之1.8。两县共发生26例,经抢救无效死亡者2例,占11.76%。链霉素过敏性休克发生率虽较青霉素稍低,但死亡率高,如我们在太康县调查150个大队两年内链霉素过敏性休克14例,经抢救无效死亡者5例,占35.7%,死亡率远较青霉素高。从上述情况看,青、链霉素过敏反应的发生确实严重,应引起足够重视,认真加以研 Blue, streptomycin is currently the most widely used two commonly used antibiotics, but also effective prevention and treatment of a variety of infectious diseases. But both also have adverse reactions, including the most severe anaphylactic shock. If it happens, it can cause death if handled improperly. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously discuss the issues related to the allergic reaction between cyanuric and streptomycin. We will now discuss our views on the following issues. First, the blue, the incidence of streptomycin allergic reactions, the incidence of allergic reactions to streptomycin high, but the literature is very inconsistent. In order to understand the occurrence of anaphylactic shock of cyan and streptomycin in rural grass-roots medical units and to reduce and prevent the occurrence of serious shock response, we investigated the data of 150 battalions of Taikang County in Henan within two years (1973 ~ 1974) and 178 in Yuncheng Brigade within a year (March 1973 to March 1974) blue, streptomycin anaphylactic shock occurs. Among them, Taikang County 150 brigades within two years occurred in 17 cases of penicillin anaphylactic shock, accounting for 3.7% of the total number of people in Yuncheng County 178 batches of penicillin anaphylactic shock in 9 cases, accounting for 1.8 million. A total of 26 cases occurred in two counties, died of rescue invalid in 2 cases, accounting for 11.76%. Although the incidence of streptomycin anaphylactic shock is slightly lower than that of penicillin, but the mortality rate is high, as we surveyed 150 battalion in Taikang County streptomycin anaphylactic shock in 14 cases within two years, 5 died of rescue ineffective, accounting for 35.7 %, The mortality rate is far higher than penicillin. From the above situation, blue, streptomycin allergic reactions really serious occurrence, should be given enough attention to seriously study
临床证明,蓍草(Aehilea sibirica Ledeb,菊科)对多种细菌性感染如急性阑尾炎、急性扁桃体炎、急性泌尿系感染、急性菌痢、急性盆腔炎、胆道感染等疾病均有效,有效率达90%左
目的 :研究增强螺旋CT(MDCT)及超声造影(CEUS)评估高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)消融兔肝癌疗效的价值。方法 :对兔肝癌模型动物行HIFU治疗,在治疗前后1小时内行MDCT和CEUS检查,结合
时间:2013年10月21日至24日地点:上海时尚事件:Intertextile面料展-2014/1 5秋冬中国纺织面料流行趋势发布Intertextile面料展-2014/1 5秋冬辅料流行趋势发布当下,我们应该聚