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中国译协办学经验交流会于1990年11月9日至12月在郑州召开。出席会议的有20个省、市、自治区译协和厂矿译协的代表共40余人。河南省人事厅、国家人事部职位职称司有关负责人到会参加交流并听取座谈会的意见。会议由中国译协副秘书长孙绳武主持。中国译协常务副秘书长林煌天作了《开展多种形式办学,为社会服务》的报告。他说,为了适应改革开放的需要,几年来各地译协纷纷办起了翻译培训学院、外语自修大学、在职干部进修学院和多种类型的培训班和进修班,成绩显著。各地译协办学的成果表明,译协有条件,有能力承担办学义务。以补国家正规教育之不足。这次会议旨在总结交流办学经验,提高译协开门办学的认识,因地制宜,推广多 The China Association for the Translation of Experiences in Running a School was held in Zhengzhou from November 9 to December 1990. A total of 40 people attended the meeting, including representatives from the Association of Translators and Manufacturers and Contractors of 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. Henan Province Personnel Office, the Ministry of Personnel, job title Secretary to attend the meeting to attend the exchange and listen to the views of the forum. The meeting was chaired by Sun Yat-wu, Deputy Secretary-General of China Association for Translators. Lin Huang, executive deputy secretary-general of China Translation Association, made a report entitled “Carrying Out Schools in Various Forms and Serving the Society”. He said that in order to meet the needs of reform and opening up, the translators and interpreters all over the world have set up translation training institutes, foreign language self-study universities, in-service cadres and advanced training institutes, and various types of training courses and refresher courses in the past few years with remarkable achievements. The results of the translators ’association running schools all over show that the translators’ association has the conditions and the ability to undertake the obligation of running a school. To make up for lack of formal education in the country. The purpose of this meeting is to summarize the experience of exchanges and running schools, raise the awareness of opening a school for interpreters and assist in adapting measures to local conditions and promoting more
(本刊讯)2012年9月15日,第五届中国(宁波)农民电影节农村题材电影创作座谈会在宁波香格里拉酒店甬城厅召开,国家广电总局电影局的领导和嘉宾以及全国70多条农村数字电影院线代表,近20家影片版权方代表,中国广播影视报刊协会电影传媒委员会代表等百余人共聚一堂,各抒己见,为繁荣农村题材电影创作献计献策。  会上,国家电影数字节目中心副主任卢安泰认为,现在城乡差异越来越小,精神层次的追求也在逐步接近。
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