Hamiltonian realization of power system dynamic models and its applications

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junjian1127
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Power system is a typical energy system. Because Hamiltonian approaches are closely related to the energy of the physical system, they have been widely re-searched in recent years. The realization of the Hamiltonian structure of the nonlinear dynamic system is the basis for the application of the Hamiltonian methods. However, there have been no systematically investigations on the Ham-iltonian realization for different power system dynamic models so far. This paper researches the Hamiltonian realization in power systems dynamics. Starting from the widely used power system dynamic models, the paper reveals the intrinsic Hamiltonian structure of the nonlinear power system dynamics and also proposes approaches to formulate the power system Hamiltonian structure. Furthermore, this paper shows the application of the Hamiltonian structure of the power system dynamics to design non-smooth controller considering the nonlinear ceiling effects from the real physical limits. The general procedure to design controllers via the Hamiltonian structure is also summarized in the paper. The controller design based on the Hamiltonian structure is a completely nonlinear method and there is no lin-earization during the controller design process. Thus, the nonlinear characteristics of the dynamic system are completely kept and fully utilized. Because the Hamiltonian approaches are closely related to the energy of the physical system, they have been widely re-searched in recent years. The realization of Hamiltonian structure of the nonlinear dynamic system is the basis for the application of the Hamiltonian methods. However, there have been no systematically investigations on the Ham-iltonian realization for different power system dynamic models so far. This paper researches the Hamiltonian realization in power systems dynamics. Starting from the widely used power system dynamic models, the paper reveals the intrinsic Hamiltonian structure of the nonlinear power system dynamics and also proposes to formulate the power system Hamiltonian structure. effects from the real physical limits. The general procedure To design controllers via the Hamiltonian structure is also summarized in the paper. The controller design based on the Hamiltonian structure is a completely nonlinear method and there is no lin-earization during the controller design process. completely kept and fully utilized.
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