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随着科技的日新月异,各种伪劣假冒产品层出不穷,而最为危险的就是人民币假币的出现,其不仅会造成严重的经济损失,还会影响社会稳定,国家对于人民币鉴伪技术愈发重视。人民币诞生时,也诞生了一些鉴伪技术,但是近年来科技的发展,许多鉴伪技术已经不再适用于现今出现的假币中。目前,最为可靠的一项技术就是多光谱成像技术,利用假币在不同光谱下所呈现出来的与真币之间的图像进行真伪判断,利用该技术具有可靠度高、操作简单等一系列。现今假币犯罪猖獗,认识到多光谱下人民币鉴伪技术的特点对抵制假币,维护自身财产安全有着重要意义。 With the rapid development of science and technology, various counterfeit and counterfeit products are emerging one after another, and the most dangerous one is the appearance of RMB counterfeit money. This not only causes serious economic losses but also affects social stability. The state pays more and more attention to RMB counterfeiting technology. When the RMB was born, some pseudo-artifacts were also born. However, in recent years, with the development of science and technology, many anti-counterfeiting technologies are no longer suitable for counterfeit currency nowadays. At present, one of the most reliable technologies is multispectral imaging, which uses the authenticity of images displayed by counterfeit money under different spectra for authenticity, and utilizes the technology to obtain a series of images with high reliability and simple operation. Nowadays, counterfeit currency crimes are rampant. Realizing the characteristics of RMB spectrum counterfeiting technology under multi-spectrum is of great significance to boycotting counterfeit money and safeguarding own property safety.
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该文通过介绍会计委派制的产生背景和会计委派制的具体形式,肯定了会计委派制的积极作用,同时指出了会计委派制存在的缺陷和不足。 By introducing the background of accou
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