
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shyan
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Background: In our clinic we used trypan blue staining routinely for removal of internal limiting membranes (ILM) and epiretinal membranes (ERM) during vitreoretinal surgery for PVR retinal detachment. Patients and Methods: We treated 27 eyes of 27 patients with severe PVR retinal detachment with vitreoretinal surgery. After complete vitrectomy and removal of epiretinal membraneswe injected 0.15% trypan blue solution and proceeded with further removal of the visualized remaining epiretinal membranes and ILM.We performed relaxing retinotomies in 14 eyes. Follow-up lasted six months. Results: After the first surgery the retina was reattached in 24 of 27 eyes and after the second surgery in all eyes. The final visual acuity was: hand movements in 3 eyes, 1/50 or better in 24 eyes (eight of them had a visual acuity of 0.1- 0.5). No case of macular pucker was observed during the follow-up. Conclusions: Trypan blue staining during vitreoretinal surgery in PVR retinal detachment therapy allows complete removal of ILM, ERM, and peripheral vitreous. It upgrades the quality of the surgery. Background: In our clinic we used trypan blue staining routinely for removal of internal limiting membranes (ILM) and epiretinal membranes (ERM) during vitreoretinal surgery for PVR retinal detachment. Patients and Methods: We treated 27 eyes of 27 patients with severe PVR retinal detachment with vitreoretinal surgery. After complete vitrectomy and removal of epiretinal membraneswe injected 0.15% trypan blue solution and proceeded with further removal of the visualized remaining epiretinal membranes and ILM. We performed relaxing retinotomies in 14 eyes. Follow-up lasted six months. Results: After the first surgery the retina was reattached in 24 of 27 eyes and after the second surgery in all eyes. The final visual acuity was: hand movements in 3 eyes, 1/50 or better in 24 eyes (eight of them had a visual acuity of 0.1- 0.5). No case of macular pucker was observed during the follow-up. Conclusions: Trypan blue staining during vitreoretinal surgery in PVR retinal detachment therapy allow s complete removal of ILM, ERM, and peripheral vitreous. It upgrades the quality of the surgery.
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