中共湖南省委员会、湖南省人民委员会关于一九六二年度收购粮棉油奖售标准的通知 1962年10月15日湘发(62)487号

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(一)根据中共中央、国务院关于一九六二年秋季收购粮棉油新增奖售标准的通知,决定在一九六二年度,对粮食、棉花和食油这三种农产品的收购,在原定的奖售标准的基础上,增加一些奖售商品,以鼓励生产队和社员生产与交售的积极性,做到粮、棉、油的奖售标准大体平衡。按照新的奖售标准(详见附表),奖售商品金额占收购金额的百分比是:粮食、食油为百分之十八,棉花为百分之二十二。比中央规定的奖售比例分别高百分之零点五、百分之一点八和百分之三点九,高出部分是由省里安排了一部分地方货源。为了便于生产队和农民自由选购,除粮食、棉布、化肥三种实行对口奖售外,其余奖售商品改为选购。其中针棉织品、胶鞋、毛线等三种作为交售粮、棉、油的专用选购商品,交售别的农产品的不能选购。交售粮棉油的除可以选购以上三种专用选购 (1) According to the circular of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the new criteria for the purchase of grain and cotton oil in the fall of 1962, it was decided in 1962 that the acquisition of three kinds of agricultural products such as grain, cotton and edible oil should be conducted in the original On the basis of the standard of awarding sale, some additional products for sale are encouraged to encourage the enthusiasm of the production team and members to produce and sell the products, so that the standard of sale of grain, cotton and oil is generally in balance. According to the new award criteria (detailed in the attached table), the percentage of merchandise on sale as a percentage of the purchase price is: grain, edible oil at 18% and cotton at 22%. Which was 0.5 percentage points higher than the preferential ratio prescribed by the Central Government, 3.8% and 3.9% respectively. In part, the local supply of goods was arranged by the province. In order to facilitate the production team and peasants to freely purchase, in addition to food, cotton, fertilizer three kinds of counterparts to sell, the rest of the sale of goods instead to buy. One needle cotton fabric, rubber shoes, wool and other three kinds of sale of food grains, cotton, oil for the purchase of special products, the sale of other agricultural products can not buy. In addition to the sale of grain and oil in addition to purchasing more than three kinds of special purchase
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