Foreignization and Domestication in Translation of English Idioms

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangtian575
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  【Abstract】Idiom is fixed phrases and sentences, carrying with deep national color and bright cultural connotation. Foreignization and domestication are major methods in translation of English idioms. This paper aims to discuss the use foreignization and domestication in translation of English idioms.
  【Key words】English idiom; foreignization; domestication; translation
  I. Introduction
  Idiom is fixed phrases and sentences, including phrases, folk adages, mottoes, two-part allegorical sayings, proverbs and slang. They carry with national color and culture connotation. So does English idiom. When translators translate idiom, there are many methods that translators can use. Foreignization and domestication are the two main ways.
  II. Foreignization and Domestication in Translation of English Idioms
  Foreignization focuses on culture, enriching global language and culture during communication among nations and resisting culture hegemony while domestication focuses on the form, related to functional equivalence.
  2.1 Foreignization in Translation of English Idioms
  Foreignization helps readers or listeners know other culture.
  2.1.1 On Account of Geographical Conditions
  People view the same thing as different angles due to their different living geographical condition.
  E.g. “All at sea”(迷惑) means that someone have no idea. It shows a situation that someone sucks in the sea with anxious and helpless. As England is an island country, Britisher seeing sea is more often than Chinese people. So that this kind of idiom should be transalated by foreignization for understanding.
  2.1.2 On Account of Religion
  There are some differences between English custom and Chinese custom due to different faith.
  E.g.“Go to church”(做禮拜) means admiring god. Majority of English men believe in Christian. As we all know that his followers get together at church on Sunday. But Chinese people aren’t the followers of Christian. Therefore, it needs foreignization to translate, helping us know the religion and culture of English men.
  2.1.3 On Account of Custom
  There are some differences between English custom and Chinese custom due to different race and habit.
  E.g.“Plain sailing”(一帆风顺) comes from sailing. Sail is used to determine the ship’s position on account of its moving on a flat surface. It is well known that English men are in favor of ocean. There are many famous navigators in western world, such as Columbia. People can know this custom through using foreignization on translation of these English idioms.   2.2 Domestication in Translation of English Idioms
  Domestication centers on the target language for comprehending the connotation.
  2.2.1 On Account of Geographical Conditions
  There are some similar points between English idiom and Chinese idiom related to geographical conditions.
  E.g.“Spring up like mushrooms”(雨后春笋). English men think the growth rate of mushrooms is high due to its abundence. Therefore, they use mushroom describe the high speed of something. While Chinese people think the reproductive rate of bamboo is high due to its abundence. Therefore, they use bamboo describe the high speed of something. Through domestication, we can know mutual geographical conditions better.
  2.2.2 On Account of Religion
  There are some similar points between English idiom and Chinese idiom related to religion.
  E.g.“Love is blind”(情人眼里出西施). Cupid, the god of love, gambled with a person. In China, there is a similar idiom to describe this situation that a person falls in love with somebody regardless who he/she is. Due to they are similar to each other, it is better to use domestication for understanding.
  2.2.3 On Account of Custom
  Each country has its own customs. There are some similar parts between English and Chinese.
  E.g.“A piece of cake”(小菜一碟) means that it is easy to do something. Cake is common in England while food is common in China. Therefore, through the use of domestication on translation of English idiom, it can relieve the strange sense.
  III. Conclusion
  When translators translate English idiom, they not only express the meaning of the idiom but also deliver its cultural connotation. As the two main translating strategies—foreignization and domestication, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. In fact, translation of some idioms was not only by Foreignization but also by domestication.
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