不积跬步,无以至千里 不积小流,无以成江海——蒲城县党睦中学积极探索德育工作新途径

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荀子曰:“积土成山,风雨兴焉;积水成渊,蛟龙生焉;积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。”由此可见,德育绝非一朝一夕之事,而需要努力探索,长期积累。蒲城县党睦中学是一所农村普通高中,现有教职工170人,学生2600余名,校园占地面积46690平方米,建筑面积21133平方米。近年来,学校狠抓硬件设施建设,斥资30余万元充实了图书阅览室,购置了电教、多媒体及实验室器材。与此同时,学校重视德育工作的全面实施,坚持“育人为本,德育为先”的教育理念,以“育人”为中心,以爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育为主线,注重学生整体素质的提高,狠抓学生的养成教育,进一步深化公民道德教育,扎实开展德育实践活动,不断增强德育工作的针对性和实效性。 荀子曰:"The soil is filled with mountains, and the wind and rain thrive; the water becomes a deep river, and the dragon’s oysters are born; the good is good, and the gods are content, and the Sacred Heart is prepared. Therefore, they do not accumulate pace; they do not reach a thousand miles; they do not accumulate small streams. Cheng Jianghai.” From this it can be seen that moral education is not an overnight event, but it needs to be explored and accumulated over time. Pucheng County Dangxi Middle School is a rural ordinary high school. It has 170 faculty members and more than 2,600 students. The campus covers an area of ​​46,690 square meters and the building area is 21,133 square meters. In recent years, the school paid close attention to the construction of hardware facilities, spent more than 30,000 yuan to enrich the library reading room, purchased audio-visual education, multimedia and laboratory equipment. At the same time, the school attaches importance to the full implementation of moral education work, adheres to the educational concept of “people-oriented education, moral education first,” and “education”, and focuses on patriotism, collectivism, and socialist education. The main line, focusing on the improvement of the overall quality of students, pays close attention to the development of students’ education, further deepens the moral education of citizens, conducts practical activities in moral education, and continuously enhances the pertinence and effectiveness of the work of moral education.
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IT 作为第三人称单数,常常用来指代单数的事物,其实它的本领可不止如此!不信,我们一起来瞧一瞧。 [It 的基本技能】1.It 可以用来指除人以外的一切生物和事物。如:—Where’
有时她会来,从水里  滤出月亮的小腰身儿  细看,这前生的样子得用茶语去说  一杯茶的前生与茶,相逢  是扇面拨水,不经意间把恬淡的山水过了  她不用学画里的女子  载一舟丹青缓缓归岸  她只回眸,切开旧时的青梅取出细伞  她有普洱的沉香,有时  在花梨木中沉睡,穿着紫檀的袜子  醒来,把江山一嗅,光阴便是九岁的贞雅  紫砂壶  最初的泥由雨开始  细无声,一直润向  内心沁绿的往事  一壶远山里
我感冒了,鼻子不通气,很难受。老公又出差了,也不知道什么时候能回来。我觉得自己非常孤单。  我闷闷不乐地躺在被窝里给老公发微信求安慰:亲爱的,我感冒了……头痛而且鼻塞……发过去之后,我想如果老公胆敢回复“多喝点热水”之类敷衍的话,我就要臭骂他一顿。  过了一会儿,手机响了一下,老公回了让人不可思议的两个字:开门!  天啊!老公什么時候会玩浪漫了?他是不是跟我心有灵犀,知道我难受,早早地从外地回来了
郝美丽身高只有一米三五。人们总是戏谑地喊她——三五。  农茂是她邻家哥哥,总把她当小孩来看待,完全忽略了她已经是一个十八岁的少女。农茂喊:“三五,过来给哥捶捶背。”郝美丽不好意思,扭扭捏捏。农茂就把她捉了过去。郝美丽幸福得简直要晕倒了,挥起拳头给农茂捶了两下,低着头就跑。农茂喊:“三五,你真是没心没肺!”郝美丽说:“你才没心没肺呢!”红着脸跑得无影无踪了。  过完春节农茂要去南方打工。  “三五,