
来源 :新闻与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:billyte
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谈起新闻写作,有的同志说,写新闻,不像写小说,把一件事情告诉读者就够了,不必讲究写出什么形象。其实,这是一种误解。只是叙述事实,有些新闻可以这样写,但是要把它写得如临其境、如见其人就做不到了。有的同行又说,“新闻报道是反映客观事物的,而客观事物是千姿百态的。要把这个千姿百态夏映出来。真是难上加难啊!”当然,也有的同行掌握了一套“看家”的本事:写戏剧演出是“婉转动人,妙不可言”;写音乐演奏是“美妙的乐章。动人的旋律”;写现场又是“场面极为壮观,实属罕见”……这些形容词虽然是前人创造的结晶,但毕竟没有具体描写出报道对象的形象,而且用得多 Talking about news writing, some comrades said that to write news is not like writing novels. It is enough to tell one thing to readers and not to stress what image to write. actually it is a kind of misunderstand. Just narrative facts, some news can be written like this, but to write it on the verge of death, as seen in the people can not do it. Some colleagues also said: “The news reports reflect objective things, and the objective things are mixed. It is even harder to have this mix of beautiful and charming summer!” Of course, some colleagues also mastered a set of “housekeeping ”Write theatrical performance is“ mildly moving, fantastic ”; writing music is“ a beautiful movement. Touching melody ”; write the scene is“ the scene is extremely spectacular, it is rare ”... Although these adjectives are The crystallization of predecessors, but after all, did not specifically describe the image of the reported object, but also much more