
来源 :中国电力教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwh777
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“数字电子技术”课堂讲授是否成功关键的一点就在于对课堂讲授原则的把握。本文在明确了课堂讲授的定义和特点之后,结合“数字电子技术”的教学实践,阐述了授课过程中要注意的讲授三原则,即启发性原则、精通性原则和直观性原则。 “Digital Electronic Technology ” classroom teaching is the key to success lies in the grasp of the principles of classroom teaching. After clarifying the definition and characteristics of classroom teaching, this essay elaborates the three principles of instruction which should be paid attention to in the process of teaching, that is, the principle of enlightenment, the principle of mastery and the principle of intuition in combination with the teaching practice of “Digital Electronic Technology”.
规范事业单位的财务行为和预算会计核算行为,维护经济秩序,实行新的事业财务、预算会计制度。 Standardize the financial behavior of institutions and budget accounting
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Low-frequency and high-frequency Capacitance-Voltage(C-V) curves of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors(MOSC),including electron and hole trapping at the dopan
对最近5a新提出的北美东部(ENA)的地面运动关系进行了研究,将Atkinson和Boore(1995)的经验-随机关系,由电力研究所(EPRI,1993;Toro et al., 1994)、Frankel等(1996)研究得出
本文通过对大岗林场的的森林病虫害的现状的分析,找出了存在的问题,并提出了防止措施。 Based on the analysis of the status quo of forest pests and diseases in Dagang
矿物学 埃洛石喇曼微探针光谱学研究98一1KZco3一caco,体系中复碳酸盐的热化学98一4岩石学 洋中脊:石榴石信息的提取98一1位于勘察加的科学院破火山口中的全新 世喷发物和卡