CLE14 functions as a “brake signal” to suppress age-dependent and stress-induced leaf senescence by

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lake_zhong
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Leaf senescence is an important developmental process in the plant life cycle and has a significant impact on agriculture.When facing harsh environmental conditions,monocarpic plants often initiate early leaf senes-cence as an adaptive mechanism to ensure a complete life cycle.Upon initiation,the senescence process is fine-tuned through the coordination of both positive and negative regulators.Here,we report that the small secreted peptide CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 14 (CLE14) functions in the suppression of leaf senescence by regulating ROS homeostasis in Arabidopsis.Expression of the CLE14-encoding gene in leaves was signifi-cantly induced by age,high salinity,abscisic acid (ABA),salicylic acid,and jasmonic acid.CLE14 knockout plants displayed accelerated progression of both natural and salinity-induced leaf senescence,whereas increased CLE14 expression or treatments with synthetic CLE14 peptides delayed senescence.CLE14 pep-tide treatments also delayed ABA-induced senescence in detached leaves.Further analysis showed that over-expression of CLE14 led to reduced.ROS levels in leaves,where higher expression of ROS scavenging genes was detected.Moreover,CLE14 signaling resulted in transcriptional activation of JUB1,a NAC family tran-scription factor previously identified as a negative regulator of senescence.Notably,the delay of leaf senes-cence,reduction in H202 level,and activation of ROS scavenging genes by CLE14 peptides were dependent on JUB1.Collectively,these results suggest that the small peptide CLE14 serves as a novel “brake signal” to regulate age-dependent and stress-induced leaf senescence through JUB1-mediated ROS scavenging.
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