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一、工矿区造成的恶果随着现代工业的飞速发展,世界各国对矿藏资源的需要量和开采量日益增加。据有关资料统计,全世界每年采掘的金属、非金属、煤炭、粘土、石材、砂砾等矿藏共约90亿吨,估计到本世纪末,矿石开采量至少提高到现有水平的3倍以上,才能满足全世界工业发展的需要。我国矿产资源丰富,已探明的矿产达100多种,其中储量为世界各国前列的金属矿产近20种。全国有各类主要露天矿山1,507个。随着国民经济建设的需要和开采技术的发展,采矿量也将日益增加。矿藏资源的开发利用,一方面给人类提供了各种物质能源,另一方面又不可避免地带来一系列问题。主要表现在以下几个方面: First, the consequences of industrial and mining areas With the rapid development of modern industry, the world’s mineral resources on the demand and the amount of exploitation is increasing. According to relevant statistics, about 9 billion tons of mineral, non-metallic, coal, clay, stone, gravel and other minerals are extracted each year in the world. It is estimated that by the end of this century, the amount of ore mining will be raised to at least three times of the current level Meet the world’s industrial development needs. Our country is rich in mineral resources, and more than 100 kinds of proven minerals have been discovered. Among them, there are nearly 20 kinds of metal minerals in reserves in the world. There are 1,507 major open pit mines in the country. With the needs of the national economy and the development of mining technology, the amount of mining will also increase day by day. The development and utilization of mineral resources, on the one hand, provide human beings with all kinds of material and energy resources, on the other hand they inevitably bring about a series of problems. Mainly in the following areas:
1980—1981年我们结合包兰铁路沿线固沙工程在腾格里沙漠宁夏沙被头风沙土地区,进行了土壤微生物学特性的研究. From 1980 to 1981, we carried out a study on soil microb
1999年11月15—18日 ,全国沿海城市地名管理经验交流研讨会在山东省青岛市举行。来自沿海地区的十二省市的75位代表出席了会议。会议就城市大型建筑物名称管理规范化、地名的无形资产作用
聊城位于冀鲁豫三省交界处,既可利用东部沿海的先进技术,又可利用西部省份丰富的资源,是山东省与中、西部交流的重要通道与桥梁,同时交通地理位置 Located at the junction
<正> 钾是作物必需的大量营养元素。我国农业很早就使用含钾的肥料;如农书上记载的“灰粪”“火粪”等。古农书中也有钾肥对作物重要性的阐述,元代王善桢编撰的《农桑辑要》
“IBM Unveils Chip with 370/138 Gapability” (——Computerworld,Vol.14,№ 46,1980,11,p.73.) IBM透露它已试制成功一种达5000门阵列的电路,这是一种双极性逻辑芯片,这
Since the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)was held in November last year,Africa,this beautiful and amazing land has attracted more and more attention an