
来源 :养禽与禽病防治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houj521
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稻田生态养鸭是绿色农业的一项投资少、高产出的环保型农业技术,不使用化肥、农药及除草剂的情况下,生产绿色、无公害、优质大米和肉鸭。在稻田插完秧,待秧苗活后,将鸭放入稻田里,通过提供给鸭的良好生活环境,利用雏鸭的杂食性,鸭吃掉稻田里的杂草和害虫,鸭在稻田内不断活动,刺激水稻分蘖,达到中耕增氧作用。利用鸭粪作为高 Ecological paddy farming is a green agriculture less investment, high output of environmentally friendly agricultural technology, without the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, the production of green, pollution-free, high-quality rice and duck. After the seedlings are inserted in the paddy field and the seedlings are allowed to live, the ducks are placed in the paddy fields. By providing a good living environment for the ducks, taking advantage of the omnivores of ducklings, the ducks eats the weeds and pests in the paddy fields, Activities to stimulate rice tillers, to cultivate oxygen effect. Use duck manure as high
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2009年12月28日,杭州市委召开区、县(市)委书记述职大会,40名市党代表列席会议,并现场进行测评打分。由此拉开了全市新一轮落实基层党建工作责任制序幕。 On December 28, 2
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