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2011年,中国共销售了1447.24万辆乘用车,销量持续世界第一,其中自主品牌乘用车市场占有率为42.23%,占有率较上年同期下降3.37个百分点,而且商务部最新数据显示,外资控制了汽车零部件销售的绝大部分市场份额,国产零部件销售收入仅占全行业的20%~25%,拥有外资背景的汽车零部件厂商占整个行业的75%以上,在这些外资供应商中,独资企业占55%,中外合资企业占45%,本土零部件主要应用于自主品牌汽车,市场占有率较低。由此可见,我国汽车产业依然处于“大而不强”的发展阶段。抓住产业发展机遇,持续坚持核心技术开发,是中国汽车产业发展的必由之路。根据我国人口多、 In 2011, China sold a total of 14.4724 million passenger cars, ranking the first in the world with the market share of its own-brand passenger cars being 42.23% and a decrease of 3.37% over the same period of previous year. The latest data from the Ministry of Commerce , Foreign investment in the control of the vast majority of auto parts sales market share, domestic sales of parts sales accounted for only 20% to 25% of the industry, foreign investment background with auto parts manufacturers accounted for more than 75% of the industry, in these foreign Among the suppliers, sole proprietorships accounted for 55%, Sino-foreign joint ventures accounted for 45%, and local parts were mainly used in self-owned brands with a low market share. Thus, China’s auto industry is still in a “big but not strong” stage of development. Seize the opportunity of industrial development, continue to adhere to the core technology development, is the only way for the development of China’s automobile industry. According to China’s large population,
为判定阴道多形核白细胞作为一种组织学内膜炎指标,预告有危险因素但无症状的急性盆腔感染(PID)的价值。 研究对象来自1998年5月~2001年9月间Pittsburgh Pa的4个临床部门。年
A facile and effective method for immobilized lipase was presented.The titania submicrospheres were synthesized via a modified sol-gel method followed by amino
美国杜邦公司(Du Pont)2013年2月1日宣布,已完成向私募股权公司美国凯雷集团(Carlyle)出售其高性能涂料业务的工作。据公司介绍,这项交易价值49亿美元现金,杜邦获得税后收益
1 病例资料 例1,女,25岁,因恶心,咽下困难,消瘦一月余入院。曾在当地医院按反流性食管炎(GERD)、慢性胃炎治疗无效转我院。查体:消瘦,精神差,甲状腺Ⅰ度肿大,质韧,未闻及血