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两岸青山绵延,黄河穿城而过,先辈们傍山而居、缘水而兴的智慧选择,成就了金城文化交汇点的殊荣和繁盛。如今,兰州在“七个一”的基础上,又增加了一个“一”——“一座剧院守望着西部的艺术殿堂”。黄河宛若一条飘落人间的锦带,蜿蜒东去,百里黄河风情线如同镶嵌在飞天锦带上的一串明珠。甘肃大剧院位于省会兰州市的核心区域、黄河北岸,是黄河百里风情线中最为璀璨的明珠。作为文化甘肃标志、高雅艺术殿堂、文化产业窗口,甘肃大剧院的落成对甘肃乃至西部地区的文化建设都具有重要意义。 Cross-Strait stretches across the Yellow River, the Yellow River passes through the city, and forerunners come to stay in the mountains. However, the wise choice of rejuvenating the water has contributed to the honor and prosperity of the Jincheng Cultural Meeting Point. Now, on the basis of “one of seven”, Lanzhou has added a “one” - “a theater that keeps watch over the western art palace.” The Yellow River just like a man with the world down, meandering east, the Yellow River style line as embedded in the sky with a bunch of pearl on the belt. Gansu Grand Theater is located in the heart of Lanzhou City, the capital city, the north bank of the Yellow River, is the Pearl of the Yellow River Brilliance’s most brilliant pearl. As a symbol of cultural Gansu, elegant art palace, cultural industry window, the completion of the Gansu Grand Theater on the culture of Gansu and western regions are of great significance.
愚公和老伴乘时光机来到了21世纪,见一座座山很快就被现代化的工具挖平了,不由得感叹道:“21世纪真好,都开始用铁大象 Foolish man and his wife took time to come to the
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熬过黑色的六月,当我得知自己终于考上梦寐以求的中山大学,我终于松了一口气。在所有的科目里,地理是我考得最好的科目,在这里,我想和大家分享一下我的地理学 In June, when
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文章从现场施工管理的角度,阐述施工进度管理在项目管理中的作用,提出做好施工进度管理的一些具体做法。 From the perspective of on-site construction management, the a