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有些人在参加运动,特别是耐力性动动(如长跑、马拉松、竞走等)锻炼后,常感右上腹胀满不舒服,到医院去检查,发现肝脏肿大,这是怎么回事呢? 经观察表明,在较大运动负荷下,肝脏的体积大都比安静时大。其原因多为准备活动不足,开始速度过快,内脏器官与运动器官不相适应。在运动时如果内脏器官功能尚未提高到应有的活动水平,即陡然加大运动强度,那么剧烈的肌肉活动,可使回心血量猛增(致心脏的前负荷过大),而心脏又不能迅速适应(心肌收缩力反而减弱),使大量的下腔静脉血向心脏回流受阻,造成肝静脉回流困难,肝血窦淤血增大。其次是呼吸节律紊乱,剧烈运动吸变得不均匀、没有节律,致使呼吸肌疲劳,膈肌运动幅度减小,从而减弱了对肝脏的「按摩」作用,使肝血回流减慢。长时间的呼吸浅快,使胸腔内压上升,也会妨碍下腔静脉血的回流,造成肝脏淤血肿大。再者,激烈运动时肝糖元消耗过多,热量释放剧增,局部温度明显升高,使肝细胞膨胀,也可引起肝大。凡此种种,均造成肝脏淤血增大,又由于运动中肝脏淤血,肝包膜张力增大,使肝包膜的神经末梢受到牵拉、压迫,从而出现运动中的肝区疼痛,胀满不适。以上 Some people after exercise, especially endurance exercise (such as long-distance running, marathon, walking, etc.) after exercise, often feel the right upper quadrant full of discomfort, to the hospital to check and found that the liver enlargement, what is going on? Observations show that under a large exercise load, the volume of the liver is mostly larger than when quiet. The reasons for the lack of preparation for the activities, start too fast, internal organs and sports organs do not meet. In the exercise if the organ function has not been raised to the level of activity that should be, that is, a sharp increase in exercise intensity, then the intense muscle activity, can make a sharp increase in blood flow (caused by the heart before the load is too large), and the heart can not Rapid adaptation (myocardial contractility but weakened), so that a large number of inferior vena blood to the heart obstruction, resulting in hepatic venous reflux difficulties, liver sinus congestion increased. Followed by the respiratory rhythm disorders, strenuous exercise induced uneven absorption, no rhythm, resulting in respiratory muscle fatigue, diaphragm amplitude decreased, thus reducing the role of the liver “massage” to slow the return of liver blood. Prolonged breathing light fast, so that intrathoracic pressure rise, will also hinder the reflux of inferior vena cava blood, resulting in liver congestion swelling. Furthermore, intense exercise glycogen excessively consumed, the release of heat increased dramatically, the local temperature was significantly increased, so that the expansion of liver cells can also cause liver. All these are caused by increased congestion of the liver, but also due to movement of the liver congestion, liver capsule tension increases, so that the liver capsule nerve endings are drawn, oppression, resulting in exercise in the liver pain, fullness discomfort . the above
出现在本期封面上的人物,恐怕大家一眼便能认出——“这不是《牧马人》里的李秀芝嘛! ”不错,正是她。她在这部影片中以真切而质朴的表演,给观众留下了美好的印象。然而,大
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