明白人 热心人 带头人

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1998年初,我任河南省安阳军分区司令员兼中共河南省安阳市委常委,经过多年来的工作体验,感到要当好一名“军事常委”,必须先当“党管武装工作的‘明白人’、搞好军地关系和促进军政军民团结的‘热心人’、成为支援地方两个文明建设的‘带头人’”。 履行好自己的职责,做一名党管武装工作的“明白人”。新形势下,要使党管武装工作真正落到实处,很重要的一点取决于“军事常委”的作用发挥得好不好。对此,“军事常委”提高认识是前提,履行职责是关键,当“明白人”很重要。一是要求“军事常委”要摆正自己在地 In early 1998, I was Commander of Anyang Military District of Henan Province and member of Anyang Municipal Committee of CPC Henan Province. After years of work experience, I feel that I should be a “Military Standing Committee” and must be the first “one who understands the armed work of the party.” ’’, Improve military relations and promote unity between military, military and civilian, and become the ’leader’ in supporting the two civilizations in the region. “ Fulfill their own duties and be a ”bright guy“ in the party’s armed work. Under the new situation, it is very important for the party to control the armed work in a down-to-earth manner. It is very important that the role played by the ”Military Standing Committee“ is not well played. In this regard, ”Military Standing Committee“ to enhance awareness is the premise, to perform their duties is the key, when ”understand people“ is very important. First, they demanded that the ”military standing committee" should put itself right in the ground
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编辑同志: 新年伊始,为加强部队全面建设,各级党委都制定了各项工作措施,但有的单位却只注重做好制定措施的上篇文章,却没有抓好落实措施的下篇文章,使措施成了文件柜里的摆