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1.菜青虫严重时可将叶片吃光,只剩叶脉和叶柄,影响板蓝根的产量和品质。药物防治可选用20%氰戊菊酯乳油2000~3000倍液,2.5%溴氰菊酯乳油3000倍液,2.5%氯氟菊酯乳油5000倍液,硫丹1500~2000倍液喷雾。2.蚜虫被蚜虫危害的板蓝根,植株严重失水卷缩,扭曲变黄。一般可选用40%氰戊菊酯6000倍液,45%高效顺反氯氰菊酯乳油3000倍液,阿维虫清2000倍液或赛特生1000倍液,吡虫啉1500~2500倍液喷雾,严禁使用氧化乐果等高毒农药。 1. Pieris rapae can eat leaves seriously, leaving only veins and petiole, affecting the yield and quality of Radix. Drug control can be used 20% fenvalerate EC 2000 to 3000 times, 2.5% deltamethrin EC 3000 times, 2.5% chlorpromazine EC 5000 times, endosulfan 1500 to 2000 times the liquid spray. 2. aphids are aphids by the Banlangen, plant serious water loss curling, twisted yellow. The general optional 40% fenvalerate 6000 times, 45% efficient Cypermethrin EC 3000 times, Avermectin 2000 times or Saitek 1000 times, 1500 ~ 2500 times Imidacloprid spray, the prohibition of the use of oxidation Dimethoate and other highly toxic pesticides.
Monolayer colloidal crystals(MCCs)are two-dimensional(2D)colloidal crystals consisting of a monolayer of monodisperse colloidal particles arrayed with a 2D peri
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The chemical equilibrium and reaction kinetic behavior in the synthesis of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers(DMMn) were investigated over sulfated titania in ord