
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanxb2008
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为了揭示正断裂在油气成藏中的作用,通过对正断裂向上和向下输导运聚油气与受其控制所形成油气藏之间关系的研究,探讨了正断裂向上和向下运聚油气作用的差异性。结果表明正断裂向上和向下运聚油气作用的差异性主要表现在以下3个方面:1二者输导油气动力和条件不同,前者输导油气动力是剩余压力差和浮力,条件是剩余压力差和浮力之和大于断层岩毛细管力;后者输导油气主要动力是超压,条件是超压大于断层岩毛细管力、浮力和地层压力差之和。2二者输导油气距离和影响因素不同,前者输导油气距离通常大于后者输导油气距离,前者主要受到距区域性盖层距离的影响,距区域性盖层的距离越大,输导油气距离越大;反之则越小。后者主要受到超压大小的影响,超压越大,输导油气距离越大;反之则越小。3二者油气富集部位不同,前者油气纵向上主要富集在区域性盖层上下附近,平面上油气主要富集在输导正断裂的上盘;后者油气纵向上主要富集在源岩附近,平面上油气主要富集在输导正断裂的下盘。 In order to reveal the role of normal faulting in hydrocarbon accumulation, by studying the relationship between uplifting and downlifting transport of normal oil and gas reservoirs under their control and the formation of reservoirs under their control, Role of the difference. The results show that the difference between the up-and-down migration of normal oil and gas is mainly manifested in the following three aspects: 1 The two are different in oil and gas transport and conditions, the former is the residual pressure difference and buoyancy, and the other is the residual pressure The sum of the difference and the buoyancy is greater than the capillary force of the fault rock. The latter is the major source of oil and gas overpressure, provided that the overpressure is greater than the sum of the capillary force, buoyancy and formation pressure difference of the fault rock. Both of them have different oil-gas distance and influencing factors, the former is usually larger than the latter, and the former is mainly affected by the distance from the regional caprock, and the greater the distance from the regional caprock, the more the conductivity The greater the distance between oil and gas, the smaller the converse. The latter is mainly affected by the size of the overpressure. The greater the overpressure, the greater the distance between the transporting oil and gas; otherwise, the smaller the overpressure. 3 The two are different in oil and gas enrichment. The former mainly accumulates in the upper and lower parts of the regional caprock in the vertical direction, and the oil and gas in the plane mainly accumulate in the upper plate of the fault that is being transported. The latter is mainly enriched in source rocks In the vicinity, the plane is mainly concentrated in the oil and gas are fracturing under the plate.
华人劳工赴俄始于19世纪60年代。他们多来自中国山东、新疆、河北等省区及哈尔滨、大连等城市,分布在莫斯科、彼得格勒、乌拉尔及北部和远东各地,从事最艰苦的劳动。 Chines
摘要:21世纪以后,为了应对越来越严峻的环境污染问题,建筑行业首当其冲,在受到一系列环境污染影响之后最终提出发展绿色见建筑这一倡议,将绿色建筑建设和建筑事业可持续发展作为建筑业的工作开展目标,采取一系列行之有效的措施做好了建筑施节能工作,力求实现建筑无污染施工和环保使用。     关键词:暖通空调技术;绿色建筑;应用  中图分类号:U260.4+3文献标识码:A  1.暖通空调的现状及设计  暖通