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工业化是现代化的核心,制造业做大做强是中国完成工业化进程的必由之路。19世纪中叶以来,中华民族无数仁人志士满怀实业兴国梦想,探寻工业强国之路。新中国成立60多年,中国制造起步于一穷二白,筚路蓝缕,从小到大,建立了门类齐全的现代工业体系,规模跃居世界第一,支撑我国实现了从贫穷落后的农业国到现代化工业国、再到具有全球影响力的经济大困的转变。在新的历史时期,以习近平同志为总书记的中央领导集体以全球视野和战略眼光,立足治国理政全局,提出实施制造强国战略。作为术来10年引领制造强国建设的行动指南和未来30年实现制造强国梦想的纲领性文性,《中国制造2025》全面开启了中国制造由大变强之路。 Industrialization is the core of modernization. Making manufacturing bigger and stronger is the only way for China to complete its industrialization. Since the middle of the 19th century, countless people of good will of the Chinese nation are full of dreams of rejuvenating their country through industry and exploring the road to becoming an industrial power. Since the founding of New China for more than 60 years, China has started its construction from a poor and a lumbering country to a modern one. It has established a modern industrial system with a complete range of scale, ranking first in the world and supporting China from a poor and backward agricultural country to a modern industrialized country, The transformation of the global financial crisis. In the new historical period, the central leading collective with Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary takes a global perspective and strategic vision and bases itself on the overall situation of governing the state and administration and proposes the implementation of the strategy of building a powerful nation. As a guide to action in building powerhouses for 10 years and the programmatic nature of the dream to create a powerful nation in the next 30 years, “Made in China 2025” has fully opened the way for greater manufacturing in China.
一忽视“斜率不存在”致错例1 已知两点M(-3,4),N(3,2),过点P(2,-1)的直线l与线段MN有公共点.求直线l斜率k和倾斜角α的取值范围. 错解:∵kPN=(4-(-1))/(-3-2)=-1,kPN=(2-(-
国家特邀国土资源监察专员一行五人,赴黑龙江省及内蒙古自治区就铁路建设用地问题进行了专题调研,掌握了大量情况,对铁路用地及其管理问题有了更多的认识。 The State invit