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和谐作为一种思想,是中华民族传统文化精神的精髓。中华文化的和谐精神可以归纳为“和而不同、求同存异”。所谓“和谐”,即为“配合得适当和匀称”。这就是说,和谐不是指完全统一,而是指事物协调、均衡、有序的发展状态。具体延伸到学校,延伸到课堂,主要是指课堂里学生协调、均衡、有序发展的态势。如教学中,民主融洽的师生关系,以学定教、顺学而导的教学艺术,教师、学生、文本的平等对话等等,都是和谐课堂的重要体现。近年来,贵溪市实验小学,乘着课改的春风,用“构建和谐课堂、张扬学生个性”的育人思想实践教育教学改革,教育教学质量稳步提升,从而使学校迈入和谐发展的快车道。对“和谐课堂”的理解,贵溪市实验小学的教师们认为:学生进课堂以前和出课堂的时候有了变化,是一节扎实而有效率的课,这样的课堂应是“和谐的课堂”;课堂上不完全是预设的,在教学过程中既有资源的生成,又有过程状态生成,是一节丰实的课,这样的课堂是“和谐的课堂”;只要是一心为孩子、为学生上课,而不是上给其他听课的人听的,是一节平时都能上的家常课,这样的课堂是“和谐的课堂”;课堂上虽有缺憾但又努力完善着,是一节真实的课,这样的课堂也是“和谐的课堂”…… As a kind of thinking, harmony is the essence of the traditional Chinese culture. The spirit of harmony in Chinese culture can be summed up as “harmonious but different, seeking common ground while reserving differences.” The so-called “harmony” is “well-proportioned and proportionate.” That is to say, harmony does not mean complete reunification, but harmonious, balanced and orderly development of things. Specific extension to the school, extending to the classroom, mainly refers to the classroom students in a coordinated, balanced and orderly development of the situation. Such as teaching, the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, to learn to teach, followed the school-led teaching art, teachers, students, the text of the dialogue and so on, are an important manifestation of the harmonious class. In recent years, Guixi Experimental Primary School, riding on the spring breeze of curriculum reform, practiced the education and teaching reform with the educational concept of “building a harmonious classroom and publicizing the individuality of students”, and steadily improved the quality of education and teaching so that the school stepped into a harmonious development Road. The understanding of “harmonious classroom”, Guixi City Experimental Primary School teachers believe that: students into the classroom before and when the classroom has changed, is a solid and efficient class, such a classroom should be “harmonious classroom ”The classroom is not entirely pre-set, in the teaching process both the generation of resources, but also the process of state generation is a rich lesson, such a classroom is“ harmonious classroom ”; as long as the heart for the children , For students, rather than to listen to other people to listen to, is usually a regular class can be on, such a classroom is “harmonious classroom”; although the classroom is a shortcomings but hard to perfect, is a The real lesson, this class is also a “harmonious classroom” ......
目的 探讨胸腰椎骨折患者采用微创经皮椎弓根钉棒系统治疗效果.方法 选择我院53名胸腰椎骨折患者行该微创手术治疗,对患者在手术前后的疼痛情况、影像学指标、围手术期等相关
目的 了解长期低剂量接触2,3,7,8-四氯二苯并-p-二噁英(TCDD)对雄性SD大鼠骨髓细胞微核和精子形态的影响.方法 将1月龄SD大鼠随机分为4组,分别为阴性对照组(给予玉米油)和3个
目的 探讨大黄素、虎杖苷、乳香挥发油配伍对非肥胖性糖尿(non-obese diabetic,NOD)小鼠慢性非细菌性前列腺炎发挥治疗作用的最佳配比.方法 正常雄性NOD小鼠220只,按照L8(27)
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