
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sangtian1
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A finite impulse-response microwave photonic filter is typically achieved based on spectrum-shaped optical frequency combs and a dispersive element. We propose an analytical model to describe the amplitude responses of the sidelobes. The model shows that
A diode-pumped Tm:YLF passively Q-switched laser at 2 μm was first demonstrated by using graphene oxide (GO) as a saturable absorber (SA). In this letter, continuous-wave (CW) laser and pulse laser performances were studied meticulously a
Atomic Doppler broadening thermometry (DBT) is potentially an accurate and practical approach for thermodynamic temperature measurement. However, previous reported atomic DBT had a long acquisition time and had only been proved at the triple point of wate
Coherent beam combining of 60 fiber lasers by using the stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm has been demonstrated. The functions of pinhole(s) on the power distributions in the far-field have been systematically simulated on both in-phase and o
采用不同的激光功率在A356铝合金表面进行激光重熔试验,分析了重熔层的组织和显微硬度,并采用三点弯曲试验研究了重熔层的力学性能以及重熔层与基体的结合性能。结果表明:与基体相比,激光重熔层的硬度得到了大幅提升;重熔层中的细晶强化及第二相弥散强化提高了重熔层的强度,延缓了重熔层中第一裂纹的发生;重熔层与基板区域具良好的冶金结合能力,界面区域无裂缝;经激光重熔处理的试样表现出了良好的表面力学性能,在1500 W及2000 W激光功率下获得的重熔层与基体间未出现分层现象。
The present letter finds the complete set of exact solutions of the time-dependent generalized Cini model by making use of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant theory and the invariant-related unitary transformation formulation and, based on this, the general e