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在音乐学习过程中,乐理基础知识和视唱练耳是学生学习的两门基础课程,这两门课程在教学内容、教学模式上存在一定的差异性,使得教师在实际的教学活动中,无法和学生形成良好的互动局面,一定程度上影响了教师的教学效果,也不利于学生对音乐知识的学习。基于这种现状,教师应该在视唱练耳教学中,将乐理基础知识内容融入视唱练耳课堂教学中,并注重对自身的教学活动进行整合,实现这两种课程的互补。首先分析了乐理基础知识和视唱练耳的概念,紧接着探讨了视唱练耳结合乐理基础知识的教学措施。 In the process of music learning, the basic theory of music theory and solfeggio are two basic courses for students’ learning. There are some differences between the two courses in teaching content and teaching mode, which make teachers unable to practice in the actual teaching activities And students to form a good interactive situation, to a certain extent, affected the teaching of teachers, is not conducive to students learning of music. Based on this situation, teachers should integrate the basic knowledge of music theory into the teaching of solfeggio in the teaching of solfeggio and pay attention to the integration of their own teaching activities so as to complement each other. First of all, the author analyzed the basic theory of music theory and the concept of solfeggio, and then discussed the teaching methods of combining solfeggio and music theory.
在课堂教学中,如何让学生积极主动地进行学习,变“要我学”为“我要学”是每一位教育工作者追求的目标,就如何使学生在课堂上积极主动地自主学习发表一点粗浅的认识。 In cl
One of the aims to research relativistic heavy-ion collisions is to explore the probability of quark-gluon plasma phase transition from normal nuclear matter. H
2010年6月4日,在距离自己的100岁生日还剩不到五个月时间时,因为身体各项机能均已衰竭,美国大学篮球史上最伟大的教练约翰·伍登进入了弥留状态。  而此时,他在执教UCLA时麾下最得意的弟子——“天勾”贾巴尔,则正在从欧洲返回洛杉矶的飞机上。“我飞越重洋,总算赶到医院见了他最后一面,只不过约翰当时已经服用完镇静剂,我并不确定他是否能意识到我在身边,所以就只能在床边一直坐着。对我来说,约翰就是这个
The fission barrier parameters are important to determine the fission character of a nucleus. The fission barrier parameters and fission level densities are key
2001年,HI-13串列加速器运行正常,时间和供束时间分别超过4800h和4200h。加速器主体状态良好,头部电压可在12MV以下平稳运行。1 运行 2001年,HI-13串列加速器供束时间为4260
The apparatus is shown in Fig.1, which is mounted within a conventional metal bell jar 45 cm in diameter and 70 cm high. The boat source could be seen through t