A nomogram to predict Gleason sum upgrading of clinically diagnosed localized prostate cancer among

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goooooooal
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Although several models have been developed to predict the probability of Gleason sum upgrading between biopsy and radical prostatectomy specimens,most of these models are restricted to prostatespecific antigen screening-detected prostate cancer.This study aimed to build a nomogram for the prediction of Gleason sum upgrading in clinically diagnosed prostate cancer.The study cohort comprised 269 Chinese prostate cancer patients who underwent prostate biopsy with a minimum of 10 cores and were subsequently treated with radical prostatectomy.Of all included patients,220(81.8%) were referred with clinical symptoms.The prostate-specific antigen level,primary and secondary biopsy Gleason scores,and clinical T category were used in a multivariate logistic regression model to predict the probability of Gleason sum upgrading.The developed nomogram was validated internally.Gleason sum upgrading was observed in 90(33.5%) patients.Our nomogram showed a bootstrap-corrected concordance index of 0.789 and good calibration using 4 readily available variables.The nomogram also demonstrated satisfactory statistical performance for predicting significant upgrading.External validation of the nomogram published by Chun et al.in our cohort showed a marked discordance between the observed and predicted probabilities of Gleason sum upgrading.In summary,a new nomogram to predict Gleason sum upgrading in clinically diagnosed prostate cancer was developed,and it demonstrated good statistical performance upon internal validation. Although several models have been developed to predict the probability of Gleason sum upgrading between biopsy and radical prostatectomy specimens, most of these models are restricted to prostatespecific antigen screening-detected prostate cancer. This study aimed to build a nomogram for the prediction of Gleason sum upgrading in clinically diagnosed prostate cancer. The study cohort comprised 269 Chinese prostate cancer patients under underwent biopsy with a minimum of 10 cores and were subsequently treated with radical prostatectomy. All were included patients, 220 (81.8%) were referred with clinical symptoms. prostate-specific antigen level, primary and secondary biopsy Gleason scores, and clinical T category were used in a multivariate logistic regression model to predict the probability of Gleason sum upgrading. The developed nomogram was validated internally. Gleason sum upgrading was observed in 90 (33.5 %) patients.Our nomogram showed a bootstrap-corrected concordance index of 0.78 9 and good calibration using 4 well available variables. Nomogram also demonstrated satisfactory statistical performance for predicting significant upgrading. External validation of the nomogram published by Chun et al. In our cohort showed a marked discordance between the observed and predicted probabilities of Gleason sum upgrading .In summary, a new nomogram to predict Gleason sum upgrading in clinically diagnosed prostate cancer was developed, and it demonstrated good statistical performance upon internal validation.
[摘要]笔者试从我国高职人文教育现状入手,发现高职院校学生文史知识储备不足,常识性知识缺乏,科学知识的深度和广度不够理想,文化底蕴相当浅薄,缺乏社会责任意识。针对这些问题,笔者分析了原因,提出了对策和建议。  [关键词]高职学生 人文素质 现状 对策    一、 高职学生人文素质现状    近年来,高等职业教育得到了快速的发展。但社会各界普遍认为高职学生与一般本科的学生相比,在实践方面略有优势,但
国有企业制度创新是解决国有企业存在问题的重要基础 ,明晰产权基础 ,优化产权结构 ,强化激励机制 ,硬化约束机制 ,实行政企分开 ,强化国有资产监管 ,进行企业文化创新 ,是国
面对新课程、新教材,教师应该采取新教法,以促进学生的全面发展。我们为每堂课制定的教学目标包含有提高道德品质、加强思想修养、培养某方面能力等。然而,当前的语文教学是较为死板、缺乏激情、缺少活力的,不能真正实现“以学生的发展为中心”的教育理念,学生没有真正成为课堂的主人。因而,如何让学生成为课堂的主人,充分发挥学生人的潜质,让教学具有创新性,全面地发展学生,是一个值得探讨的问题。    一、创新教学过