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今后5-10年,江苏经济发展所面临的挑战十分严峻。挑战首先来自国内,由于内地资源产区加工工业得到较大发展,一方面资源输出减少,另一方面一般产品不再需要沿海地区供应,大大缩小了江苏加工工业的产品市场。而处于沿海的上海、广东、山东,辽宁、福建等省,利用对外开放、利用外资等手段,发展也十分迅速,与江苏产品的竞争日趋激烈。挑战更来自国外,随着我国重新加入关贸总协定,江苏将面临与国外高新技术产品和跨国公 In the next 5-10 years, the challenges facing Jiangsu’s economic development will be very serious. In the first place, the challenge came from the Mainland. Due to the great development of the processing industries in the resource-producing areas of the Mainland, on the one hand the output of resources has been reduced. On the other hand, the general products no longer need the supply in the coastal areas, greatly reducing the product market of the processing industries in Jiangsu. In the coastal areas of Shanghai, Guangdong, Shandong, Liaoning, Fujian and other provinces, the use of opening up, the use of foreign investment and other means, the development is also very rapid, increasingly competitive with Jiangsu products. Challenges come from abroad. As China rejoins the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Jiangsu will face challenges with high-tech foreign products and multinational corporations
The time-energy properties of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) are calculated for a linearly polarized 7-fs laser pulse with different carrier-envelope phas
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1 前言大齿圈是T180和T200等九种机型推土机上传递扭矩的关键零件。它采用优质45号脱气钢42CrMo和合金结构钢两种材料制造。长期以来采用旧的锻造工艺,锻造成圆环形状,锻件
他们从危险重重的签表中突围而出,—路过关斩将,在赛季行将结束之际,于中国举起冠军奖杯。在这些冠军面孔里,有老将,也有新人,有霸主,也有黑马。 They stand out from their
从波士顿到布鲁克林,保罗·皮尔斯与迈阿密的恩怨始终没有停止。在11月2日的比赛中,看上去老迈疲惫的篮网让卫冕冠军尝到了开局两连败的苦涩滋味。 From Boston to Brooklyn
This paper proposes three kinds of tapered holey fibres with a multi-layer of holes whose pitch of air holes at the end of untapered and tapered are 5.8 μm and
豫剧于上世纪40年代末传入台湾,直到1990年两岸豫剧才开始交流,联袂演出。  台湾豫剧是由“台湾豫剧开山祖师”“台湾国宝级艺术大师”张岫云女士带去的。张岫云1929年出生于河南临颍县张营村,8岁接受豫剧启蒙教育,16岁时以“万丽云”的艺名在郑州、开封、漯河等地巡演,并一炮走红。1949年国民党从大陆撤退时,她和丈夫李久涛随国民党军将领黄杰率领的部队、眷属从广西进入越南。身处异域,生活单调,为了舒