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中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法是建国以来国家制定的第一部保护广大农民利益的基本大法。贯彻执行这部法律,对于调动农民群众当家做主的积极性、创造性,促进农村两个文明建设,具有重要的作用。自1988年8月以来,我区先后在1936个村,占全区村委会总数的70%,贯彻实施了《村委会组织法》,并在此基础上开展了村民自治示范活动。通过贯彻《村委会组织法》和开展村民自治示范活动,较好地解决了农村出现的政治、经济、社会等方面的矛盾,调动了村民参政议政的积极性,促进了经济发展和精神文明建设,突出表现在以下几个方面:第一、加强了村民委员会的组织建设。通过贯彻《村委会组织法》,原来村委会班子不健全的健全了,不干工作的调整了,不团结的团结了。原来村委会下 The Organic Law of the Villagers’ Committee of the People’s Republic of China is the first basic Dafa formulated by the state since the founding of the People’s Republic of China to protect the interests of farmers in general. The implementation of this law has an important role in mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of the peasant masses as their own masters and promoting the building of two civilizations in the rural areas. Since August 1988, the district has set up 1936 villages, accounting for 70% of the total village committees in the region, implemented the Organic Law of the Villagers’ Committees, and carried out demonstration activities of villager autonomy on the basis of this. By carrying out the Organic Law of Villagers Committees and carrying out demonstration activities of villagers’ autonomy, the contradictions in politics, economy and society appearing in rural areas have been solved well, mobilizing the enthusiasm of villagers in participating in politics and promoting politics, and promoting the economic development and the building of spiritual civilization , Highlighting the following aspects: First, to strengthen the village committee’s organizational construction. Through the implementation of the “Organic Law of the Villagers’ Committee,” the original village committee was not sound and sound, and its work was adjusted without uniting unity. The original village next
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