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汉城专电 韩国经济在从60年代到90年代的短短30年中迅速发展,成为亚洲四小龙中支柱产业基础雄厚、工业体系最为健全的一个。但是,由于一直推行以出口为主导、以重化工业为主的不均衡产业政策,大企业在国民经济中占据绝对重要的地位,中小企业一直处于配合性的附属地位。 在韩国,一般而言,制造业、采矿业、运输业300人以下,建筑业200人以下,商业等其他服务业20人以下均属于中小企业范畴。与大企业巨大的财力、技术力量和销售网络相比,中小企业一开始便处于一个没有保护的竞争环境中,只能在大企业章鱼爪式发展的夹缝中寻求生存,这同时也使中小企业在解决劳动力和资金上面临困难。 Seoul, South Korea’s economy in the 60 years from the 90’s to 30 years in the rapid development of the economy, as the four Asian dragons in the pillar industries of solid foundation, the most robust industrial system. However, as a result of the continuous implementation of an unbalanced industrial policy dominated by exports and dominated by heavy and chemical industries, large enterprises have assumed an absolutely important position in the national economy, and SMEs have been attached to a cooperative position. In South Korea, generally speaking, the manufacturing, mining and transportation industries are under 300, the construction industry is under 200 and the commercial and other service industries under 20 belong to the category of small and medium-sized enterprises. Compared with the huge financial resources, technical strength and sales network of large enterprises, SMEs in the beginning was in a non-protected competitive environment, only in the cracks in the development of large enterprises octopus claws seeking survival, which also allows small and medium enterprises Facing labor and financial difficulties.
长春一汽:追求最低分 长春一汽在老产品换型改造后,从德国引进了奥迪轿车产品,与此同时也引进了德国的“奥迪特质量管理法”。奥迪特与奥迪车并没有直接关系,奥迪特(Audit)
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铁路对经济社会的发展起着举足轻重的作用,作为大动脉,既不能断,也不能乱。  改革开放初期,党中央、国务院为改善铁路状况做了大量工作,经过努力,到1981年,全国铁路运输状况迅速好转。但是,仍有不少地方铁路存在着严重的路风问题,铁路沿线偷抢运输货物的现象屡禁不止,甚至愈演愈烈。国家财产因此受到很大损失。  针对这一情况,《人民日报》在其主办的《情况汇编》第219期对偷抢风比较严重的成渝铁路作了内部通
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