Group Cooperative Learning—Making Learning a Deeper Process

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The paper is to explore whether or not group cooperative learning in author’s university can make students learning deeply.In 2004,the Chinese Ministry of Education constituted“College English Teaching Syllabus”(College English Teaching Syllabus,2004,showed in appendix),in which it makes it clear that the properties and objectives of College English teaching are:College English teaching is a teaching system which has the content of English language knowledge,English applied skills,learning strategies,intercultural communication.According to the syllabus,lots of Chinese universities will aim to explore new and effective teaching modes,which will stimulate college English teachers to reflect their traditional teaching methods and make the corresponding improvement inevitably. The paper is to explore whether or not group cooperative learning in author’s university can make students learning deeply.In 2004, the Chinese Ministry of Education substituted “College English Teaching Syllabus” (College English Teaching Syllabus, 2004, showed in appendix), in which it makes it clear that the properties and objectives of College English teaching are: College English teaching is a teaching system which has the content of English language knowledge, English applied skills, learning strategies, intercultural communication. According to the syllabus, lots of Chinese universities will aim to explore new and effective teaching modes, which will encouraging college English teachers to reflect their traditional teaching methods and make the corresponding improvements inevitably.
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