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鲁植保[2013]4号2013年,全省植保工作总的指导思想是:深入贯彻落实党的十八大精神,以科学发展观为指导,树立“科学植保、公共植保、绿色植保”理念,推进现代植保建设,服务现代农业发展,紧紧围绕粮食安全、农产品质量安全和生态文明建设做好各项工作。一、切实做好重大病虫监测预警与防控以确保粮食安全为重点,突出抓好流行性、迁飞性、突发性和检疫性重大病虫的监测预警与应急防控工作。启动病虫监测物联网技术研究与试点, Lu Zhi Bao [2013] No. 4 In 2013, the general guiding principle for plant protection work in the province was to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, guided by the scientific concept of development, and establish a scientific system of plant protection, public plant protection and green plant protection. Concept, promote the construction of modern plant protection, serve the development of modern agriculture, closely focus on food security, quality and safety of agricultural products and ecological civilization to do a good job. First, do a good job monitoring and early warning of major pest and disease prevention and control to ensure food security as the focus, give prominence to epidemic, migratory, unexpected and quarantine major pests monitoring and early warning and emergency prevention and control work. Start pest monitoring IOT technology research and pilot,
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of zoledronic acid for the pain caused by metastatic tumor of bone.Methods:52 patients with metastatic tumor of bo
濮深 1 5井是中原油田完钻的一口重点深层探井 ,该井所试油的目的层是一异常高温 ( 1 65℃ )、高压 (地层压力 74.6MPa,压力系数 1 .5 2 ,地层破裂压力 1 1 8MPa,破裂压力梯
The ingest of diets with high content of fats and carbohydrates, low or no physical exercise and a stressful routine are part of the everyday lifestyle of most