
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shakekele
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利用两种不同分离方法(干筛法与湿筛法)对耕作施肥20年后棕壤的团聚体组成、团聚体有机碳含量以及有机碳储量进行了研究。结果表明:棕壤团聚体以0.25~1mm团聚体为主。与长期不施肥比较,除0.25~1mm粒级外长期施用氮磷化肥使风干团聚体和水稳性团聚体中较大团聚体和微团聚体数量下降,降低了各级风干团聚体中有机碳积累,增加了水稳性团聚体中有机碳积累;长期施用有机肥较大团聚体和微团聚体数量增加及其相连的有机碳含量和储量均增加;长期有机无机肥配施大团聚体数量下降,微团聚体数量增加,有机碳含量均增加,大团聚体碳库储量下降,微团聚体碳库储量增加。由此可见长期施有机肥土壤结构改善,固C潜力增加。长期高量有机肥与无机肥配施可能有利于土壤固碳,但不利于作物生长。 Two different methods of separation (dry sieving and wet sieving) were used to study the aggregates composition, aggregate organic carbon content and organic carbon storage of brown soil 20 years after fertilization. The results showed that the aggregates of brown soil were dominated by 0.25-1 mm aggregates. Compared with the long-term no fertilization, long-term application of N and P fertilizers, except 0.25 ~ 1mm grain size, decreased the number of larger aggregates and microaggregates in air-dried aggregates and water-stable aggregates, and decreased the content of organic carbon Accumulated and increased the accumulation of organic carbon in the water-stable aggregates; the larger the long-term application of organic fertilizer, the larger the amount of aggregates and microaggregates and the linked organic carbon content and reserves increased; the long-term organic and inorganic fertilizer with large aggregates Decreased, the number of microaggregates increased, the content of organic carbon increased, the carbon pools of macroaggregates decreased and the carbon pools of microaggregates increased. This shows that long-term application of organic manure soil structure improved solid C potential increase. Long-term high-volume organic manure and inorganic fertilizer may help soil carbon sequestration, but not conducive to crop growth.
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一天下午,我踢完足球回家,热得满头大汗,嗓子眼里简直要冒烟了,可偏偏家里的开水都喝光了,爸爸妈妈不在,看来只能自己烧开水了。  我仔细看完电热水壶的说明书,基本弄清了操作步骤,便开始动手烧开水。我拧开水龙头,拿起水壶接水。水哗哗地响着,我的眼睛一眨也不眨地盯着水壶,生怕水超过上面的最大刻度线。唉呀,好像还是多了一点,为了保险起见,我倒了一点水出去。接好水,我小心翼翼地把水壶放到圆盘状的底座上,按下
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