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北京地处北纬40°左右的季节性冻土带,冬季极端最低气温为-22.8℃,结冰期约130d,冻土期约100d,冻土深度0.5~0.8m。在这种气候条件下,基土冻胀对渠道衬砌的破坏作用不可忽视,衬砌结构必须具有抗基土冻胀破坏的能力,才能保证渠道衬砌的耐久性... Beijing is located in a seasonal tundra with a latitude of about 40 degrees north latitude. The minimum temperature in winter is -22.8 ℃, the period of ice is about 130 days, the period of frozen soil is about 100 days and the depth of frozen soil is 0.5-0.8 meters. Under such climatic conditions, the damaging effect of foundation soil frost heaving can not be neglected, and the lining structure must have the capability of resisting the frost heave of the foundation soil to ensure the durability of the channel lining ...
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大概六七年前 ,友人告诉我南京大学教授奚金芳女士拟编写制作介绍陈独秀的幻灯片 ,希望我也提供些图片资料。我当时认为此事甚好 ,但难度太大。由于众所周知的原因 ,在中国近
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