
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenzijn
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目的掌握通化市家蝇的分布、密度和季节消长动态,了解家蝇及蝇类密度的关系,为蝇类防控提供依据。方法按《全国病媒生物监测方案(试行)》,于2006-2014年在通化市设置监测点3个,以糖醋为诱饵,用笼诱法调查4种生境(农贸市场、餐饮店外环境、绿化带和居民区)蝇密度,每次布放诱蝇笼1个,日间布放6 h。结果 2006-2014年通化市家蝇的构成比为15.91%~44.90%,密度高峰在8月;在4种生境中,家蝇占蝇类总数依次为48.03%、61.07%、4.40%和10.03%;家蝇密度与总蝇密度呈正相关(r=0.703,P<0.01)。结论通化市蝇类高峰期为6-8月,为该地区控制蝇类的关键时期,9月仍需关注人居环境的家蝇防控。 Objective To understand the distribution, density and seasonal dynamics of house flies in Tonghua City, and to understand the relationship between housefly and flies density, so as to provide the basis for the prevention and control of flies. Methods According to “National vector bio-monitoring program (for trial implementation)”, 3 monitoring points were set up in Tonghua City from 2006 to 2014, and sweet and vinegar were used as bait to investigate four habitats (farmer’s market, restaurant environment , Green belt and residential area) flies density, each lure fly cage 1, 6 h during the day. Results From 2006 to 2014, the compositional ratio of house flies was 15.91% ~ 44.90% in Tonghua City, and the density peak was in August. Among the four habitats, house flies accounted for 48.03%, 61.07%, 4.40% and 10.03%, respectively, There was a positive correlation between housefly density and total fly density (r = 0.703, P <0.01). Conclusion The peak period of flies in Tonghua City is from June to August, which is the key period for the control of flies in this area. In September, the prevention and control of house flies in human habitat still need attention.
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小儿遗尿症是儿科较为常见的疾病,目前无特效药治疗。我们从1987~1998年共诊治37例小儿遗尿症,效果显著,现报告如下。1 临床与方法1.1 临床资料:37例患儿中,男21例,女16例;
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