Antimicrobial secondary metabolites from marine gastropod egg capsules and egg masses

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hawk1918
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Marine organisms have attracted special attention in the last three decades for their ability to produce interesting pharmacological active compounds.Even though all marine organisms have the potential to produce antimicrobial secondary metabolites,the gastropod has the vital sources of secondary metabolites particularly their egg capsule which has the promising antimicrobial secondary metabolites.In the present review,we intend to focus on marine secondary metabolites from marine gastropod egg capsule.The following compounds i.e.Kabiramid C,Aplysianin E, Aplysianin A,Thisaplysianin E and Tyrian purple have been documented in egg capsule of various gastropod and most of the antimicrobial secondary metabolites have not been isolated from the egg capsule because of the odious,and complex chemical structure.Stability of the compounds is unknown. Marine organisms have attracted special attention in the last three decades for their ability to produce interesting pharmacological active compounds. Even though all marine organisms have the potential to produce antimicrobial secondary metabolites, the gastropod has the vital sources of secondary metabolites particularly their egg capsule which has the promising antimicrobial secondary metabolites. In the present review, we intend to focus on marine secondary metabolites from marine gastropod egg capsules. The following compounds ie Kabiramid C, Aplysianin E, Aplysianin A, Thisaplysianin E and Tyrian purple have been documented in egg capsule of various gastropod and most of the antimicrobial secondary metabolites have not been isolated from the egg capsule because of the odious, and complex chemical structure .tability of the compounds is unknown.
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