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1.考核手段要全面。要全面理解和准确把握中央军委关于选拔和培养优秀青年干部的基本条件,按照党的干部“四化”方针、德才兼备的标准,全面考核干部。当前要着重注意两个方面:一是要坚持群众路线,在考核中既要听上级的、同级的反映,更要听下级的意见,注重群众公论。二要运用多种手段。可采取个人述职,在一定范围内进行民主测评、民意测验和有组织的民主推荐,实绩评鉴,公开考评的办法,切实把群众公认的优秀年轻干部选拔上 1 assessment means to be comprehensive. We must comprehensively understand and accurately grasp the basic conditions for selecting and training excellent young cadres of the Central Military Commission, and examine cadres in an all-round manner in accordance with the party’s guidelines for cadres and the four modernizations and with both ability and political integrity. At present, we must pay special attention to two aspects: First, we must uphold the mass line, we must listen to the higher authorities at the same level and reflect the same level in the assessment, and we must also listen to the views of the lower levels and pay attention to the people’s public opinions. Second, we must use a variety of means. They may take personal debriefing and conduct democratization tests, opinion polls and organized democratical referrals, performance appraisals and public examinations and assessment within a certain range, so as to effectively make the selection of outstanding young cadres recognized by the masses
Two well-preserved fossil dragonflies from the Late Mesozoic Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, China are described and assigned to a new genus, Sopholibellul
国务院日前发布关于第六批取消和调整行政审批项目的决定。决定指出,经严格审核论证,国务院决定第六批取消和调整314项行政审批项目。  决定称,2011年以来,按照深入推进行政审批制度改革工作电视电话会议的部署和行政审批制度改革的要求,行政审批制度改革工作部际联席会议依据行政许可法等法律法规的规定,对国务院部门的行政审批项目进行了第六轮集中清理。经严格审核论证,国务院决定第六批取消和调整314项行政审
举世瞩目的中国共产党第十五次全国代表大会胜利召开,举国同庆这历史性的盛会,万民称颂这跨世纪的丰碑! The 15th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, whi