Improved Method for Lacosamide Synthesis with Chemoenzymatic Method

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airingyuan
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Lacosamide was prepared by chemical method coupled with enzymatic method. N-Acetyl-D, L-3-methoxy-alanine, derived from D,L-3-methoxy-alanine, was used in the resolution process catalyzed by immobilized Escherichia coli cells with aminoacylase(EC3.5.1.14) activity. N-Acetyl-D-3-methoxy-alanine and L-3- methoxy-alanine were obtained from the resolution system. Lacosamide was synthesized by the amidation of N-acetyl-D-3-methoxy-alanine with benzylamine. N-Acetyl-D, L-3-methoxy-alanine, derived from D, L-3-methoxy-alanine, was used in the resolution process catalyzed by immobilized Escherichia coli cells with aminoacylase (EC3.5.1.14) activity. N-Acetyl-D-3-methoxy-alanine and L-3-methoxy-alanine were obtained from the resolution system. Lacosamide was synthesized by the amidation of N-acetyl-D-3 -methoxy-alanine with benzylamine.
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