Community-based screening of Chagas disease among Latin American migrants in a non-endemic country:

来源 :贫困所致传染病(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangdeting
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Background::Chagas disease is a parasitic disease endemic to Latin America, but it has become a disease of global concern due to migration flows. Asymptomatic carriers may host the parasite for years, without knowing they are infected. The aim of this study is to assess prevalence of Chagas disease and evaluate the participants’ level of knowledge between Latin American migrants attending a community-based screening campaign.Methods::Three community-based campaigns were performed in Alicante (Spain) in 2016, 2017 and 2018, including educational chats and blood tests for n Trypanosoma cruzi serologyn . Participants completed a questionnaire assessing knowledge about the mechanisms of transmission, disease presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. People seropositive for n T. cruzi underwent diagnostic confirmation by two different tests. Results were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression and expressed as adjusted odds ratios (an ORs), adjusting for age, sex, and time in Spain.n Results::A total of 596 participants were included in the study; 17% were aged under 18 years. Prevalence in adults was 11% [54/496; 95% confidence interval (n CI): 8.3-14.5%] versus 0% among children. All but one case were in Bolivians. Diagnosis was independently associated with having been born in Bolivia (an OR: 102, 95% n CI: 13-781) and a primary school-level education (an OR: 2.40, 95% n CI: 1.14-5.06). Of 54 people diagnosed with Chagas disease (most of whom were asymptomatic), 42 (77.7%) returned to the clinic at least once, and 24 (44.4%) received treatment. Multivariable analysis showed that coming from Argentina (an OR: 13, 95% n CI: 1.61-1188) or Bolivia (an OR: 1.90, 95% n CI: 1.19-3.39) and having received information about Chagas disease in Spain (an OR: 4.63, 95% n CI: 2.54-8.97) were associated with a good level of knowledge on the disease. Having primary level studies (an OR: 0.59, 95% n CI: 0.34-0.98) and coming from Ecuador (an OR: 4.63, 95% n CI: 2.52-847) were independently associated with a lower level of knowledge.n Conclusions::Community-based interventions are a good strategy for diagnosing neglected diseases such as Chagas disease in non-endemic countries and for identifying and treating infected, asymptomatic individuals.“,”Background::Chagas disease is a parasitic disease endemic to Latin America, but it has become a disease of global concern due to migration flows. Asymptomatic carriers may host the parasite for years, without knowing they are infected. The aim of this study is to assess prevalence of Chagas disease and evaluate the participants’ level of knowledge between Latin American migrants attending a community-based screening campaign.Methods::Three community-based campaigns were performed in Alicante (Spain) in 2016, 2017 and 2018, including educational chats and blood tests for n Trypanosoma cruzi serologyn . Participants completed a questionnaire assessing knowledge about the mechanisms of transmission, disease presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. People seropositive for n T. cruzi underwent diagnostic confirmation by two different tests. Results were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression and expressed as adjusted odds ratios (an ORs), adjusting for age, sex, and time in Spain.n Results::A total of 596 participants were included in the study; 17% were aged under 18 years. Prevalence in adults was 11% [54/496; 95% confidence interval (n CI): 8.3-14.5%] versus 0% among children. All but one case were in Bolivians. Diagnosis was independently associated with having been born in Bolivia (an OR: 102, 95% n CI: 13-781) and a primary school-level education (an OR: 2.40, 95% n CI: 1.14-5.06). Of 54 people diagnosed with Chagas disease (most of whom were asymptomatic), 42 (77.7%) returned to the clinic at least once, and 24 (44.4%) received treatment. Multivariable analysis showed that coming from Argentina (an OR: 13, 95% n CI: 1.61-1188) or Bolivia (an OR: 1.90, 95% n CI: 1.19-3.39) and having received information about Chagas disease in Spain (an OR: 4.63, 95% n CI: 2.54-8.97) were associated with a good level of knowledge on the disease. Having primary level studies (an OR: 0.59, 95% n CI: 0.34-0.98) and coming from Ecuador (an OR: 4.63, 95% n CI: 2.52-847) were independently associated with a lower level of knowledge.n Conclusions::Community-based interventions are a good strategy for diagnosing neglected diseases such as Chagas disease in non-endemic countries and for identifying and treating infected, asymptomatic individuals.
目的评价差异表达的宫颈外口和内膜组织微生物组与女性不孕的相关性。方法纳入2019年8月至2019年12月期间于中山大学附属第六医院生殖医学研究中心助孕治疗的14名继发不孕患者进行病例对照研究,根据既往分娩方式分为剖宫产组和顺产组。剖宫产组包含9例剖宫产继发不孕患者,顺产组包含同期5例顺产后继发不孕患者,并分别对患者的宫颈和内膜进行采样分析。提取两组宫颈外口和内膜表面组织的总DNA进行16S rRN
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